Page 39 of Flawless Lyric
“Coincidences happen all the time, Micah. I admit it was a huge shock, but I had a good time in spite of it. And, truthfully, I had no idea that you wanted anything other than another easy fuck. Sorry if that’s harsh but it’s the truth. Even after you sent the flowers, I was reluctant because of my friendship with Ruth.”
“Sit with me, Beauty.” Linking our fingers together, he guides me to the bench seat. He turns to face me with his leg bent at the knee. While holding my hand.
“When my mom is in the office, is it awkward between the two of you?” What’s he talking about?
“Not at all. I’m sure once she finds out that we’re dating, it will be difficult at best.” I’ve never told him that I have nightmares about when that day finally comes.
“She’s known for weeks, Beauty. I left out all the details about how we met, just that we’re seeing each other.” When I start to speak, his finger presses across my lips.
“Hear me out. Then you can read me the riot act. You know what she told me?” When I shake my head, he continues.
“That you just went through a messy divorce and you’re trying to find yourself again. I respect that, Beauty, and I’d never stifle you from doing anything your heart desires. I told her, “The heart wants what the heart wants.” My heart wants you, Lyric, and I think your heart wants me too. Then she told me if I loved you to let you go. But I’m selfish and I can’t do that. She’s concerned about you, Lyric. She’s fucking pissed at me but I’m going to prove to you and my whole family that you’re the one for me.”
Does he love me? Impossible. We’ve had amazing sex but we really don’t know each other very well. Concentrate, Lyric. He just told you his mother knows about your dirty deeds with her youngest son.
“I can’t believe she knows and hasn’t mentioned a single word to me about it. Granted she’s not in the office all the time, but our calls aren’t awkward at all. Don’t you find that odd?” I do. If my son or daughter was dating someone ten years older than them, I wouldn’t meddle but I’d voice my opinion. Wanting to know their intentions.
“It might be strange for you but not for Mom. She loves you and she’s team Lyric all the way. On the other hand, my reputation with women is one and done. She’s concerned, is all. I’ve never been monogamous until you. In case you didn’t know, you’re the only woman I’ll ever need.”
I’ve never met a man who is so open and honest about his feelings. It’s refreshing, but at the same time it’s intimidating. Especially since I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship so soon after my divorce. Then I keep reminding myself that Jeff and I got married because I was pregnant. Thinking it was the right thing to do at the time. Not that our parents pressured us to do anything of the kind. After all, we were in college and basically on our own. They had no say in the matter, but I respected their opinions.
Only woman I’ll ever need…
Why does that scare me so damn much? Is it because Jeff depended on me for so many things? Maybe, but I need to stop comparing Micah with Jeff. They’re complete opposites in every sense of the word.
“I’m not upset that you decided to speak to Ruth about us, but I really wish we could have done it together. By you going there alone, she had no way of knowing that it was also my decision to be with you. And that you’re not forcing me to do something that I’m uncomfortable with. Does that make sense?” It sounded plausible in my head but not so much when it came out of my mouth.
“You’re absolutely right. You want to hear something funny? Dad suspected something was going on between us, and he was the one who encouraged me to tell her. I just went with it. In hindsight, had I waited for us to go together she’d be more accepting.”
“I’ll gladly talk to her next time she’s in the office. There’s no reason for her to be upset with you when it takes two people to tango. It’s an old cliché but it’s the truth. You know I was hesitant at first, but you certainly won me over. You can be rather convincing when you want.” I want to fan myself just thinking of all the measures he went through to do just that.
“That’s sweet of you, Beauty, but not necessary. Now that we’re official, we can attend all of my family’s shenanigans together. To add another cliché, the proof is in the pudding. When they see how crazy we are about each other, there won’t be any doubt in their minds that it’s a match made in heaven. I can’t wait to fill them in on all of the cheesy pick-up lines I used to get you in bed.”
“You wouldn’t dare, Micah Monroe!”
Leaning into me, he whispers, “Oh, but I would, Beauty. They don’t need to know the specifics. Just that I tried every damn pick-up line known to man, and all you really wanted was honesty. To fuck you until dusk to dawn. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you right now.”
Lyricand I didn’t go sailing on Sunday. My fault really, since I convinced her to stay in bed all day. It didn’t take much to persuade her. Since we didn’t get much sleep Friday and Saturday night. We were too busy exploring each other. Before you go on a tangent, I did feed her and we slept a few hours before we were back at it like a bunch of horny rabbits. What can I say? When it comes to Beauty, I can’t get enough of this woman.
Unfortunately, I won’t be spending much time with her this week since I’ll be in practice most of the time. I’m sitting in the parking lot as we speak, waiting for the others to arrive. Ace wasn’t thrilled he had to cut his road trip short. But having Harmony as our photographer certainly helps since they’re a tag team.
“Hey man, how was glamping?” I like to bust his ass since he and Harmony live the RV life. Her van Shutterbug is a gorgeous tiny home, though. It’s as far from glamping as can be.
“We didn’t go glamping, you fucktard. We took my RV out west and then grabbed Shutterbug on the way back. Harmony took a ton of pictures. We’ll show you guys when this Labor Day thing is over.”
I’m stunned stupid at the one-eighty this man has done since meeting Harmony. Ace has been through hell and back and I’m thrilled he’s found Harmony. She’s his shelter in the storm and the only person who could crack his stoic façade.
“Can’t wait to see them. Hey, after everything is said and done you can all come over to my place and we can see them there. Food and beer included, of course.”
When I see Zander and Jaxon pull in, it feels just like a family reunion. Funny how it’s only been a few months since our last concert but it feels like forever since we’ve all been together.
“Are you ready to rock and roll?” Zander hollers as he closes the car door. Jaxon just shakes his head and laughs. They’ve been best friends since high school, so he gets his weird outbursts. Oh, and Zander’s wife is Jax’s baby sister. So there’s that, too.
“I might be a bit rusty,” I say, “but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike. It will all come back to me.” It’s the god’s honest truth. I haven’t practiced as much as I would have liked.