Page 40 of Flawless Lyric
“From what I hear, you’ve had plenty of practice riding a certain someone all summer long.” Jaxon didn’t just go there, did he? Does he have a death wish?
“The fuck, man. If you want to live to see your niece being born you best keep your comments to yourself. At least I’m getting some. What about you?” Zander chuckles and Ace just shakes his head. Harmony walks inside the studio and leaves us all behind to fend for ourselves. Smart girl.
Zander’s our lead man and our voice of reason. “Ah, it’s good to be back with all of you morons. Leave your attitudes at the door and pull up your big boy panties because we have loads of work to do. Inside now, assholes.”
Welcome to a day in the life of Rebel Riot, ladies and gentlemen. Let the party begin!
After strapping on their guitars, it doesn’t take long before Zander and Ace find their groove. And when Jaxon jumps right in, I follow his lead. We don’t miss a beat. It’s as if we’re playing to a crowd of ten thousand screaming fans in a sold-out stadium. When in all actuality, it’s a party of one as Harmony snaps a few pictures for old times’ sake.
My mind wanders to a certain someone as I mindlessly play along. I’m wishing she was here so I can share this part of my life with her. Being that our careers are so different, it’s going to be a bitch having to leave her when we go on tour again in the spring. I’m hoping I can convince her to tag along for a week or two. God, I can’t even imagine how Zander will feel leaving Melody and his little girl. God, that’s got to be a bitter pill to swallow. As Caleb would say, it’s part of the business, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
Harmony’s kind enough to grab us lunch, and when she comes back everyone devours their food. We shoot the shit like old times, but all I want to do is text Lyric to find out how her day is going. I can’t help wondering if Mom stopped by and, if so, whether Lyric mentioned anything about our relationship. Oh, how I’d love to be a little fly on the wall so I could hear how that conversation would go. Knowing them both as well as I do, they’re probably swapping stories about me.
I dread the thought of Mom bringing in a photo album featuring me as a baby. It’s something she would do and think nothing about it. Me, I could do without a walk down memory lane. She’s done it with all of my other siblings, and I’m no exception to the rule. Since she considers Lyric one of her dearest friends already, I could get hit harder than the rest. The thought has me pacing back and forth like a caged animal. Conjuring up all kinds of worst-case scenarios.
“For the love of God, Micah. Sit your ass down and eat. We still have a few more hours and you’re going to need some sustenance.” Fucking Ace is trying to hide his flippant remark by taking a drink but failing miserably. Somedays, I have no idea why I put up with the likes of these guys.
Of course, Zander needs to chime in too. “What’s got your panties in a bunch, bro?” Now all eyes are on me waiting for an answer. Fuck it. I might as well fill them all in.
“Lyric knows I’ve already told my mom about us being together. Now I’m worried about their friendship being strained since Mom’s her boss.” Jaxon whistles through his teeth and that sets me on edge. As if I wasn’t close enough to falling off already.
“That’s on you, dude. You should have let her go the second you found out they worked together.” Seriously?
Now I’m fuming. “Thanks for the advice, not. You’ve been dating the same girl off and on since high school, so what the fuck do you know?”
I can’t help but notice the way Zander and Jaxon glance at each other. Am I missing something?
“Yeah, well. You don’t know the half of it so just let it go.” Here is where I would normally crack a joke, but for some reason it doesn’t seem fitting. Taking the high road, I let it drop.
“Alrighty then. Let’s clean up and get back to work,” Ace says, trying to calm the tension in the room down. I doubt if he knows what’s going on with Jaxon, but if it’s a touchy subject I won’t ask.
It’s soon forgotten as we begin practice and get caught up in the music once again. This is where we can put all of our differences and problems aside and just be. Singing the songs, playing our instruments, and existing in the magical realm that only musicians know exists. It’s healing and cathartic all rolled into one. And as much as I needed a break, I need playing even more. It’s in my life’s blood and the reason for my existence. I was born to be a musician.
Time has no meaning when we’re playing, whether it’s during practice or we’re playing to a sold-out crowd. We just keep on playing until we can’t play anymore. Giving our fans a piece of us every time we take our final bows. Leaving our very essence and energy behind. So they can get their fill. Until the next time.
* * *
I wasnervous coming to work this morning. Crazy, I know, since Ruth isn’t scheduled to come in today. And I’ve been sitting here wondering when she does come in, should I bring it up, or wait to see if she does? Is that evading my responsibility? Probably. But how would I bring it up without sounding foolish? “Hey, Ruth. I know I’m ten years older than your son, but for the first time in my life, I feel alive.” It’s the truth but not something even I can fully accept since it could all fall apart at any time. Maybe I’m blowing this all out of proportion. Still, if the topic should arise, what do I do?
Enough what if’s, it’s time to buckle down and get to work. All of this speculation is just that. It’s senseless to worry about something that’s out of my control because after this weekend, I’m not sure if I could stop seeing him even if my job was on the line. If being unemployed is in my future, so be it. I’ll throw myself into my jewelry business and sell the house if that’s what I need to do. I’m tired of doing what’s expected of me instead of what makes me happy. God knows I’ve done that for the past twenty years.
It's after one o’clock by the time I catch up with all my emails. My fingers ache and my neck’s stiff from being in the same position for so long. That’s a good enough reason for me to lock the door and take a lunch break.
After locking up and flipping the sign in the window, I go into the bathroom. I do my thing and then walk into the small breakroom to grab my lunch. Micah sent me home with my favorite turkey sandwich. I can’t help smiling when I pull it out of the bag and a small note falls out with it. What did he do?
“Beauty, I might not be Sriracha sauce, but I’ll surely spice up your life.”
I can’t even with this man. There’s not a day that goes by when he doesn’t make me smile or laugh. To some, it’s just a silly note. For me, it’s everything. Micah’s witty, funny, sweet, and loving. I’m slowly finding out that he has several layers. And each one that he exposes me to is uncomplicated and even more beautiful than the last one. I’m falling so hard and fast for this man, it scares me.The heart wants what the heart wants.Micah was right all along.
Picking up my trash, I head into the breakroom and startle when I hear the bell above the front door. Ruth is the only other person who has a key. Obviously, she needs to pick up something or one of her appointments was canceled last minute. Which has happened before while I was on lunch.
After washing my hands, I take a deep breath and head back into the office. My smile slips when I see Ruth holding the note Micah sent me. Damn, damn, damn, I forgot to tuck it into my drawer. Slowly, she turns around and her smile’s as genuine as always. Mine not so much.
“I was looking for the Stoneridge file and this note was sitting right on top. I recognized the handwriting immediately. Good to know Micah hasn’t lost his sense of humor.” This is your opening, Lyric. Take it.