Page 41 of Flawless Lyric
“Ruth, I…”
“I don’t blame you, Lyric. My son can be very persuasive when he wants to be. My only fear is that one of you will get hurt, and since I love you both, I refuse to choose sides. I’ve said way too much and it’s none of my business anyway. Now I need to run since I have a showing with the Stoneridges.” With a kiss to my cheek, she’s gone.
I’m overwhelmed and in awe of this woman. Not only is she a smart and savvy businesswoman, she’s also considerate and generous. Most women I know would have gone off on me if I was seeing their much younger son. Not Ruth. She trusts us enough to make our own choices. That speaks volumes and sets my mind at ease. Truth be told, her fear has been my fear all along. One of us is going to get hurt.
Stop it, Lyric. Just stop!
With only a few hours left to go, I need to get my head on straight. Otherwise, there will be hell to pay when I walk in tomorrow morning. I’ll have plenty of time when I get home to pick everything apart. To conjure up all the worst-case scenarios of how our relationship could come to an explosive end. Wow, when did I become so cynical? Damned if I can remember when it all started but it needs to end. Today.
After booting up my laptop I notice the schedule change for the Stoneridge showing. I was right. It happened while I was at lunch. I’m surprised that they didn’t call the office beforehand but glad Ruth caught it and was available.
The next few hours fly by as I print all the paperwork for tomorrow and organize everything in their proper folders. Now if Ruth needs anything, she can just swing by and pick it up, just like she did today. Fingers crossed she sells the house because it will be a huge commission for her. And the Stoneridges will have their forever home.
While I’m driving home, I get the sudden urge to swing by Micah’s to let him know what happened today. And to personally thank him for his note. When I miss his exit, I take that as a sign. Maybe it’s best since we just spent the weekend together. I’ll send him a text when I get home and thank him for the note. I’ll leave out the fact that Ruth read the note since he might consider that an invasion of our privacy. Technically, it was sitting on her file and she recognized his handwriting. I would have done the same thing had it been Novalee.
Throwing my keys on the counter, I slip out of my shoes and open the wine fridge. I pull out an expensive bottle of Prosecco from the Bissol Winery. It’s a semi-sweet wine and one of my absolute favorites. Jeff stocked up on it and I’m now reaping the benefits. I so desperately need this today.
I don’t bother changing my clothes, I just pour a glass and tuck my legs underneath me on the sofa. I savor my first sip, along with my second and third. I’ve yet to understand why people enjoy a mixed drink when there are so many wonderful wines to choose from. And it’s convenient since I can get roughly five glasses to a bottle compared to one mixed drink. Seems like a waste of money when you stop to think about it.
Setting my glass on the side table, I get up to grab my phone. I bring it back to the sofa and decide to send Micah a text. I contemplate what I want to write and then just go for it.
Me:You certainly spice up my life Mr. Rockstar. Thanks for the fabulous lunch and my hot note.
I wait a few minutes and when I don’t get a response, I close my phone. Practice might be over, but they could have gone out for drinks afterward. Or he’s so exhausted he called it an early night. No worries. When he dropped me off last night, we didn’t make any specific plans. Now I need to be patient and wait for him to get in touch.
When my stomach rumbles, I decide to grab a bite to eat. I’m disappointed when opening the fridge since I didn’t go shopping this weekend. I went sailing with a sexy rockstar instead and it was so worth it.
Grabbing a fork and some fruit salad, I sit at the kitchen island. Without Novalee being here, the silence is deafening. Funny how I longed for the house to be quiet and now it’s rather unnerving. I guess we always want what we can’t have. Why does Micah suddenly invade my thoughts?
I can’t waitfor this damn week to be over already. Not only have we been practicing all week long, Music Weekly also insisted on doing some last-minute promos. So we’ve been going out to schmooze with the powers that be, and we couldn’t invite a plus one since this is just about Rebel Riot and not anyone’s significant others. As far as I’m concerned, they go hand-in-hand.
We’re all pissed but Zander’s beside himself since he has to leave Melody alone for longer than he anticipated. Just to help him out, we only practice for six to seven hours a day. In my opinion, that’s too long, but he insists. He keeps saying he doesn’t want us to sound like shit for the festival. Impossible. When we tried to explain that our concerts top at three hours, he didn’t want to hear it, so we dropped it. No sense arguing with a leadman.
By the time I get home, it’s too late to do anything but shower and climb into bed. Just to get up and do it all over again. I miss Lyric so much, and other than a few texts during the day, it’s been crickets. I’ve thought about stopping by her house but didn’t think she’d appreciate me ringing the bell at one in the morning. No way I can do that to Beauty since she needs to get up for work. Maybe if everything goes according to plan, I’ll blow off the promo and go over there on Friday night.
I climb into bed, and for the first time this week I can’t fall asleep. Too many thoughts are swirling around in my head that I can’t shut down. No matter how hard I try, my mother’s words come back to haunt me. “If you love her, you’ll let her go.” Could she be right? Is it fair for Lyric to stay at home while I’m working late? Or out partying so I can fulfill my obligations to my record label? Isn’t that exactly what she told me her husband did to her? Fuck, it is. What right do I have to do the same to her?
I have no right whatsoever.
Am I just so exhausted that I’m not thinking clearly? Maybe. I’d never be able to live with myself if I’m holding her back from finding someone who truly deserves her. Someone who will make her happy and be able to spend more time with her. Fuck, I hate when I second guess myself. Especially after the wonderful weekend we just had together. She was happy, right? I thought so. And all of the texts that she sent to me this week implied she really misses me. Why would she lie about something so important? I’m seriously going to drive myself insane just mulling this over. The only one who can answer all of these questions is Lyric. I wonder how she’d feel about having a guest for breakfast. Let’s find out!
After showering, I wait until six before I call my favorite breakfast joint and place my order. They’ll have it ready by seven and I’ll swing by to pick it up on my way to Lyric’s. Should I text her ahead of time or just show up? I do love the element of surprise, but I’m not sure if she bothers to check her messages until she gets to work.
Best if I just ring the bell.
I’ve knocked, rung the bell, and she still hasn’t answered. I’d peek in the garage to see if her car’s still here, but it doesn’t have windows. Fuck it. I’ll take a chance and text her on the off chance she reads her messages.
Me:Are you home, Beauty? If so, then who’s running heaven?
After a few minutes pass, I text her again…
Me:Open your damn door. Your breakfast is getting cold.
I can’t hide my smile when I hear the click of the lock followed by the slide of the deadbolt and then she’s in my arms, her lips pressed to mine. Our breath mingles and our needy moans can’t hide the fact that breakfast is the last thing on our minds. When her teeth sink into my bottom lip, I’m hard as fucking granite. Grabbing her plump ass I pick her up and carry her inside. Trying to keep it PG for the sake of her neighbors.