Page 59 of Flawless Lyric
“You don’t need to do it right this minute, but we’d like the information for her records if you find out anything. Okay, finished with the questions so let’s check your blood pressure.”
By the time the nurse leaves, I’m a wreck. Until Lyric slips out of her clothes to put on that weird paper thingy. Then I’m hot as fuck when I see a glimpse of her sweet pussy.
Sitting on the table she looks up at me as I loom over her. Brushing my nose against her cheek, I whisper, “I don’t like the thought of another man touching what’s mine. Even if he is a doctor.”
“Then we have a problem since he’s going to put his fingers inside of me. Perhaps he’ll even press along my stomach and check my breasts.” I growl when my dick surges to life at her dirty words. I’m the only man who should be touching her. Period.
We both jump as if we were doing something wrong when the doc walks in. Hey, this guy’s not old and gray, just the opposite. He looks like he’s still in high school for fuck’s sake.
“Hi, Lyric. Your chances of getting pregnant after a tubal ligation are very slim but I’ll check things out to set your mind at ease.”
“Doctor Taylor. I’ve taken two tests, and they clearly say I’m pregnant.” Two tests? She didn’t mention a second one.
“Okay, I’ll do a pelvic exam first and then I’ll send you for bloodwork to be on the safe side.” I hate the latex gloves that he puts on and the lube he coats his fingers with. So impersonal and clinical.
It’s a god damn exam, Micah. Get a fucking grip.
I’m determined to keep it together when she grabs my hand and squeezes it. I’m not quite sure if it’s for her benefit or for mine. But I do know when he hurts her because she flinches. I’m ready to punch his fucking face in when he’s finished. Removing his gloves, he throws them in the trash.
“I have no idea why your tubal ligation failed after five years, but congratulations. You’re having a baby. I’ll call in some prenatal vitamins. I suggest you get as much rest as possible. Meet me in my office after your bloodwork and I’ll go over a few concerns with both of you.”
* * *
“Concerns?Is there something wrong with the baby?” As if finding out I’m pregnant at forty years old isn’t enough, now he’s concerned?
“My only concern is that there’s a possibility that it could be an ectopic pregnancy. That’s when the fertilized egg’s implanted into the fallopian tube. Which sometimes can happen after the failure of a tubal ligation.”
“Is it dangerous if something like that happens?” Poor Micah. As if finding out I’m pregnant isn’t enough, now he needs to worry about that too.
“The fertilized egg won’t survive so we’d need to terminate the pregnancy for the safety of the mother.” Doctor Taylor watches the both of us for a reaction and he gets a doozy from my man.
“Well, fuck! That’s not good. Can we do the ultrasound today? I’ll pay out of pocket, as long as we don’t need to wait weeks to have it done.”
“I understand you’re anxious, but it needs to be scheduled. I assure you, Lyric won’t need to wait long. Being that she’s a high risk because of her age, I’ll make it a priority.” Seriously, I used to like the doc until I came here today. He’s not giving me the warm fuzzies, but I know he’s only doing his job.
“After the ultrasound, Betty will schedule your next appointment at that time. Do you have any other questions?”
“How far along do you think I am?” Micah wore condoms the night at the bar so I’m assuming it was shortly after.
“My guess would be around six weeks. Let’s get that ultrasound done first and then we’ll know for certain.”
Doctor Taylor walks us down to the lab just before his pager goes off. Apparently, there’s another baby who’s taking precedence over mine. I was hoping Micah’s first visit to the obstetrician was going to go better than this one did.
“How are you holding up after hearing that kind of news, Beauty?” I should be the one asking him this question, not the other way around.
“I’ve learned to take everything in stride. How about you?” He looks lost, but I know he’ll never admit that this bothers him.
“This is my first rodeo so I’m good if you’re good.” I’m going to try to be strong for him, even if I’m scared to death.
“I’m going to think positively until I’m given a reason not to be.”
The phlebotomist peeks around the corner. “I’m ready for you, Lyric.”
“I’ll be right back; you don’t need to come in the room with me.” I bend down and kiss his cheek. I need a minute alone.
After I sit down, the tears flow freely. Nancy snatches the box of tissues off the counter and hands it to me. Then she takes her time grabbing everything she needs to draw my blood. Stalling, she pretends she can’t find a viable vein. I’m so busy wiping my nose and dabbing my wet cheeks that I don’t even realize she stuck me when it’s over.