Page 60 of Flawless Lyric
“Take your time, hon. There’s no one else in the waiting room other than your handsome man. Who looks as frightened as a new parent to be.” She squeezes my arm and I’m so grateful for her compassion.
Once the bloodwork’s completed, she sneaks me into the bathroom, and I spend a few minutes pulling myself together. When I’m finished, I go out the same door I came in so Micah’s not suspicious. He stands up the second he sees me.
“Is everything okay? You were in there for a long time.” If I don’t set his mind at ease, he’s going to be like this for eight more months. If I’m fortunate to carry full-term.
“I’m fine, Fast Hands. Just had to use the little girl’s room and she was kind enough to let me use hers. Are you ready to get the hell out of here? I know I am.” Hand-in-hand we walk out of the hospital and into the glorious sunshine.
“You can drop me off at work or I can drive myself. Either way we’ll need to make a few trips.” After we get in the car, he turns to face me. I have plenty of time to brace myself for what’s coming.
“It’s been a rough morning and I’m sure Mom wouldn’t mind if you took the day off.” Not quite what I was expecting, but it doesn’t surprise me.
“Absolutely not. I’m pregnant, Micah, and more than capable of going to work. I have a sit-down job and don’t do anything physical. Ruth was nice enough to give me time off to tend to Novalee, I won’t ask her again. Please drop me off at home so I can pick up my car.”
“Not a chance. I’ll give you a ride and then I’ll pick you up after work.” I love that he’s so caring, but I won’t let him smother me.
The drive is silent and it’s not that we’re angry, we’re just lost in our own thoughts. Someday very soon we’ll need to discuss them. Right now, I’m exhausted and it’s not even ten o’clock yet.
When he pulls into the parking lot, he gets out and comes around to open my door. Some women would be offended, but not this girl.
He closes the door behind me and then his warm hands cup my face. “I love you with all of my heart, Beauty. Please don’t misunderstand my concern for control. I’m just worried about you and the baby, is all.”
“I know, and I love you more because of it. I’m the type of person who needs the cold hard facts. So I’m not going to worry about anything until all of the tests come back. And you should do the same.”
Standing on tiptoes, I kiss his pouty mouth and walk across the parking lot with confidence, even if I’m not feeling it.
Lyric hadher ultrasound this morning and her bloodwork came back yesterday. She’s definitely pregnant. It was no big surprise since she’s been sick morning, noon, and night. As soon as we receive the results from the ultrasound, we decided to tell my family we’re pregnant. It’s either that or Mom will drive her to the hospital because she’s so worried that something is seriously wrong with her.
So I volunteered to be the designated cook, housekeeper, and laundry aficionado. At first I was met with a little resistance, but it’s been three days and Lyric finally gave in. Just going to work wipes her out and the doc said it’s to be expected in the first trimester. That and she’s a bit older than she was for Novalee. Doc’s words, not mine. Maybe I’m biased, but she’s even more gorgeous now than she was the night we met.
My biggest fear is that we’ll be on tour when the baby comes. Now all of Zander’s fears are mine. Luckily it all worked out for Zander and Melody, but we might not be so fortunate. If my calculations are correct, that puts her due date sometime in April. If we start writing and recording in January as planned, that puts us smack dab on tour. I can feel it in my bones. And in the back of my mind, Caleb’s words come back to haunt me. “Being apart from your loved ones is the roughest part of the business.”
As I throw the laundry into the dryer, I hear the front door open. Walking around the corner, my heart sinks when I see Lyric standing there. It’s only one thirty in the afternoon.
Something must have happened.
In a few long strides, I’m holding her in my arms. “What’s wrong, Beauty?”
“Doctor Taylor’s office called, and they already have the results from the ultrasound.” Fuck, it can’t be good news if it’s back so soon. “They won’t tell me anything over the phone, so I have a four o’clock appointment. Can you come with me?”
“Absolutely. We’re a team and everything we do is together. I’ll heat up some soup for your lunch.” Hey, that’s what Mom does when someone’s sad or not feeling well. It usually works.
“Thanks, but I’m too nervous to eat. Maybe later.” That’s her excuse for not wanting to eat. This is one thing I insist on since she’s eating for two.
“Soup and crackers will settle your stomach. Just a few bites and then see how you feel.” She doesn’t argue so we walk into the kitchen hand-in-hand.
She sits at the island as I warm up the soup. I grab a package of crackers and set it down in front of her, not uttering a word. Not long after, I hear her munching on one of them. I smile as I stir the soup.
“Talk to me, Lyric. What’s going through that beautiful head of yours?”
I chastise myself for bringing it up because she’s stopped chewing. Fuck, when will I ever learn to shut my mouth?
“I want to stay positive but it’s not knowing that’s been killing me. Today we find if it’s good news or bad news and I’m scared.” Me too, Beauty.
Taking the soup off the burner, I turn around and lean my elbows on the island so we’re eye to eye. I never knew that I could fall madly in love with a baby that I haven’t met. But every time I think of losing him before I ever get to know him, a piece of me dies inside. Lyric will never know my pain.