Page 7 of Flawless Lyric
Stu’s checking out a few customers and I give him a wave as I head down the boardwalk. Mom and Dad bought this beauty around six years ago in lieu of taking a vacation, so their kids get to reap the benefits as well. Under one stipulation. If we fight about it, our keys get taken away. No questions asked, because they don’t deal with the drama.
‘Our life our fight’, Mom always says, so we need to work it out with each other.
With a wake slapping against the dock, I smile when I notice Serendipity is still in her berth. The sky’s clear and there’s no rain in sight so I know it’s going to be a great day. Just me, my thoughts, and the open water. I’m so grateful that we have the summer off to recoup from the grueling last couple of years. Two successful albums and two tours later in such a short period of time has taken its toll on all of us. So this is Morris Music’s way of thanking us for a job well done. No complaints here.
After doing my safety checks, I slowly pull out of the slip and navigate my way into the open water. Not an easy feat with a thirty-eight-foot boat when I’m all alone, but I always seem to manage. The mainsail goes up first and it can be a bit tricky until the wind catches it. Once it does, it’s a piece of cake. When the jib catches the wind, we fly! Now all I need to do is steer the damn thing and try to avoid all the other boats out of the marina. Easy, right? Not always.
How can I convince Lyric to go out with me? Yes, on a real date so we can get to know each other better. I’m curious to find out if I imagined this connection we have or if it’s a living, breathing entity.
Now safely out on the open water, I have plenty of time to recall the night we met:
Lyric was sitting at the bar, sipping on her drink. Even from across the room, I sensed she was either bored or nervous by the way she twisted her hair. Wrapping it around one finger before letting it spring free. Causing her auburn hair to bounce before settling down. She repeated this. Over and over again.
For a split second, her electric blue eyes met mine in the mirror and I literally lost my breath. Her lips paused against the rim of her glass. When she looked away, I still felt the aftershocks throughout my whole body. Knowing in that instant if we were ever together it would be passionate, explosive, and very intense. That energy forced my feet to move to the empty seat next to her before someone beat me to it. As soon as I sat down and her intoxicating scent surrounded me, I knew I was in big trouble.
With the bartender on the opposite side of the bar, I knew it was going to be a few minutes before I was served. Which was fine by me since I had a gorgeous woman sitting right next to me. Spinning on the stool so I could face her, I decided to engage in conversation. A bold move but it paid off.
“Excuse me. Now I know why the sky was so gray today.” She looked bored when she glanced my way.
“Are you a weatherman?” Even her voice was gorgeous.
“Not by a longshot, but I do believe you’ve stolen all the blue for your eyes.” Her smile was contagious.
“Slick pick-up line, but it’s not working.” She tried hiding her smile when she took another sip but fell short.
“I have a million of them, but I’d rather buy you a drink.” Perfect timing since the bartender was headed our way.
“What can I get you?” The guy was huge and had the tats to match. He looked more like a wrestler than a bartender.
“I’d like a scotch and soda and another mimosa for the lady.” It wasn’t too hard to figure out what she was drinking.
“Coming right up.” He turned around, and in a few minutes he set them on the bar. “You want me to run a tab?”
I had no intention of staying that long. “No thanks.” I pulled out a hundred and laid it on the bar.
“I’ll be back with your change.”
“It’s all set, thanks.” He thanked me as someone on the other side flagged him down.
Taking a sip of my drink, I contemplated my next move. I was never one to make small talk when I wanted to get laid. So, I decided to use another pick-up line.
“Is it hot in here? Or is it just you?” That smile again.
“I thought I made myself clear. Pick-up lines don’t work for me.” Okay, when all else fails, be honest.
I spun her around so she was facing me. Her breath caught when I trapped her sexy-as-fuck legs in between mine. With my hands on her thighs, I whispered, “Tell me what I need to do to get you underneath me, Beauty?” I allowed my hands to roam higher and higher and she didn’t do a damn thing to stop me.
Swallowing hard, she whispered, “Just ask me.” Fuck!
Leaning in, I asked, “Will you come to my room so I can worship every inch of your gorgeous body from dusk ‘til dawn?”
“Yes…” I slammed my drink back so fast I saw stars. She did the same before I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me.
We stumbled into the elevator, and as soon as I hit the button, my hands were cupping her face. I dove in for a taste. Both of us moaned as she parted her lips and our tongues tangled with desire. I was fucking hard as granite as her hands roamed over my body. Never have I ever felt this kind of desire flowing through my veins. When the doors opened, I wanted to run, but we somehow managed to walk.
The moment I swiped my card, she pushed me inside. She palmed my chest and pressed me against the door. In a matter of seconds, my pants hit the floor and she was on her knees. When her ruby-red lips wrapped around my cock, I was ruined.
* * *