Page 8 of Flawless Lyric
After a long weekend,it’s difficult to get back to work on a Tuesday morning. Nonetheless, the party’s over and I need to get my head in the game and just do my job. Ruth will be coming in shortly and I need to check emails and appointments before she gets here. Hopefully I can make sure everything will run smoothly.
I focus on one task at a time, and by the time nine o’clock rolls around I’m almost finished. When the bell chimes as the door opens, I lift my head to greet Ruth. Only it’s not her but a delivery man.
“Good morning. How can I help you?” He’s hiding behind a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
“Morning. I have a delivery for a Ms. Montgomery.” I’m shocked and then thrilled those beauties are for me. Late birthday gift, perhaps?
“I’m Ms. Montgomery.” He places the vase on my desk. When he turns to walk away, I shout, “Wait! I’d like to give you a tip.”
“Thanks, but it was included in the flowers. Have a good day, ma’am.”
I grab the card as the sweet scent of blue roses, lavender carnations, pink lilies, and white fuji mums fills the air around me. It’s a gorgeous bouquet and I’m curious to find out who they’re from.
My hands begin to tremble when I begin reading.
“I don’t think you realize how easy it is to fall into the ocean that is your eyes.”
The only name I know that starts with an ‘M’ is Micah. Oh dear lord these beautiful flowers are from…
“Morning, Lyric. Wow, those flowers are gorgeous. Who sent them?” I startle at the sound of Ruth’s voice, and the card slips through my fingers and hits the floor. We both reach for it at the same time, and thank God I’m faster than her.
With a forced smile I slide it back into the envelope and tuck it inside my purse. “Thanks. A belated birthday present from a dear friend of mine.” I’m desperately trying to compose myself but fail miserably. I’m convinced that she can see right through me, and she knows they’re from her son.
“They complement the color of your eyes. Did you have a chance to check my appointments?” There’s no doubt in my mind that she can hear the pounding of my heart. Or is it just me?
“I did, and everything checks out. Ms. White will meet you at the house in forty minutes and she’s really excited. She told me it was the longest weekend of her life.” Ruth chuckles and I try joining her but fail miserably.
“That’s music to my ears. Oh, before I forget. Thank you for coming to the party yesterday. I hope my crew didn’t scare you away. I’d love for you to join us again real soon.”
“It was my pleasure. I had a ball. I’m not sure if I can keep up with them, but it would be fun to try.” It’s the truth. Although I think it would be stupid on my part to see Micah again, the feelings he invokes in me are far too intense.
“Good. We’d love to have you. Okay, I best get moving since I have a thirty-minute drive. Call if you need me. I’ll catch up with you sometime this afternoon.” This is a typical day at the office. I’m alone more than not since she’s so busy.
It’s back to business as usual, and the next time I glance at the clock it’s almost one. No wonder my stomach feels so empty. Of course it didn’t help that I did more drinking this weekend than I’ve done in years. And look what happened? I turned into a wanton bitch and slept with a total stranger. And it was the best sex I’ve ever had in my whole life. What does that say about me? Please don’t answer that because I already know.
My heart stutters inside my chest when the bell chimes. When Novalee walks through the door a part of me deflates. Was I hoping it would be Micah? No, not a chance.
“Hey, Mom. Sorry I ghosted you yesterday, but Gracie was in a bad way. Wow, who gave you the beautiful flowers?” She bends down to smell the buds and I scramble to think.
“They delivered them without a card, so I’ve no idea.” I feel horrible lying to my own daughter, but I can’t tell her the truth. She’d never speak to me again.
“Maybe you have a secret admirer.” She smiles and waggles her eyebrows. Is he an admirer? Or is he hoping to get inside my panties again? Who am I kidding? The man is a rockstar and sex on a stick. He doesn’t need an old lady like me when he has groupies throwing themselves at him on the daily.
I wave her off like I don’t believe I do. “I’m sure whoever sent them will ask if I received them when I don’t send a thank you.” Quick to change the subject, I add, “How’s Gracie doing?”
“She’s better now, but she was a mess yesterday. Matt, the guy she went to the party with, dumped her for another chick and she’s heartbroken. We’re both hoping that college will be better since high school guys are so immature.” Should I warn her now? Best not to burst her bubble.
“Good to hear. Are you going to be home tonight? I could grab takeout on the way home.”
“Not tonight. Dad’s taking me out to dinner and then we’re going to grab a movie. I should be home sometime tomorrow.” It pisses me off that he’s been monopolizing all of her time since our divorce. Especially knowing she’s leaving for college by the end of the summer.
“Okay, well, have fun. We’ll do something special when you have more time.” I knew this day was coming but I didn’t prepare myself like I thought I did.
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a quick kiss on my cheek, she rushes out the front door. Was I like her when I was eighteen? Probably. It feels like such a long time ago that I don’t remember.