Page 63 of Triple Protection
Except I do. It was one of the things he had DM'ed her that she had deleted.
"This is my boyfriend, Alex." she says, politely turning him down. He gives me a half glance and mumbles, "Sup, man?" He leans one arm against the wall next to him in a blatant attempt to draw her attention to the biceps and shoulders currently testing the limits of the stitching of his custom suit.
"So what do you say? Dinner after this? Or drinks? I'm staying at the Centennial hotel. Isn't that where you're staying? We could have some drinks at the hotel bar." I feel Angela tense beneath me. I'm not sure which she's more concerned with - the fact that he knows where she's staying, or him not taking 'no' for an answer.
He leans into her, attempting to brush a piece of her hair behind her ear. She cringes away from him, further into me, almost knocking me off balance. Quickly, I reach out and snatch his wrist before he can touch her.
"Hey douche. Touch her and die. I don't know how many ways a woman has to tell you 'no' before you get a fucking clue." I growl, my anger barely contained. His face goes stormy, while I use the hand I have on Angela's hip to maneuver her behind me. If he wasn't already number one on my suspect list, he certainly is now. He's had no qualms about invading her personal space, as if he owns it, as if he deserves it, and clearly doesn't know when to stop.
Princess's hands grip the back of my suit jacket as I watch Sammy's eyes go cold. He has the vacant black eyes of a shark when he isn't wearing his influencer persona. It's enough to make my skin crawl. My hand itches to reach for my weapon that I wasn't allowed to wear. Fuck.
"Back away and get her back to your table," Liam says quietly into my ear piece. I give an imperceptible nod, knowing he's watching this entire situation from the cameras. He's right. I want to end this fucker now and stop the threat to Angela for good. But that's not the priority.
If I attack him, or kill him like I want to, without cause, I go to jail and the boys get reassigned. I can't keep her safe from a jail cell. My priority has to be her safety tonight. We'll have to nail him another time. Fuck, I hate the idea of watching this fucker walk away.
I back Angela out of the little nook we're in but pause when Douchey Sammy calls out, "Call me, Angela, when you're done with your bodyguard and are ready for a real man." My steps falter before I escort her back to our table. I'm still simmering, scanning the crowd for any sign of the douche, my mind spinning. Does he know I'm actually her bodyguard, or was that a lucky guess? Whoever her stalker is had access to her security cameras and might have recognized me.
Fuck, I really hate not having answers.
Angela's soft, warm hand lands on the side of my face, pulling my attention towards her. She can tell I'm on edge. She runs her hand down my neck, my shoulder, my arm until she interlaces her fingers with mine.
"Come on, let's do the virtual scavenger hunt." She says brightly. She's trying to distract me. I hate the idea of her being exposed, but I know she's been looking forward to this night for years. As I let her lead me down another hall to a STEM section, I catch sight of Douchey Sammy crowding another girl against the wall. This girl, however, seems to be relishing in his attention, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger and touching his chest. His gaze, however, finds Angela and tracks her across the room, unblinking. Fuck, I really hate that guy.
"You guys keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't follow." I say to my ear piece.
Chapter forty-four
Whether it's the atmosphere, the Champaigne, seeing Alex in that mouth-watering tux, or his alpha male touch-her-and-die show downstairs, I am buzzing. Every cell in my skin is fine-tuned to where he is, what he is doing. There's a warmth, a persistent ache in my groin that demands attention, and fuck if I don't want to give it attention.
My gaze keeps drifting to his plump lips, the sinewy muscles of his forearms, the way his pants hug his full ass. Damn, this man is sex on a stick. Sexy, mysterious, tall, dark and handsome. Everything every girl wants, and he is with me. I'd be lying if I didn't say that was a stroke to my damn ego. I don't have much of an ego these days, but I feel like a queen. No, a warrior Goddess with him by my side.
I know he's working, but I also know that he wants me. We walk around, searching for the items that the museum had on a virtual scavenger hunt on their app on my phone. The'soundwaves' exhibit is a small hallway off of the main exhibit. I drag Alex into it before I find a dark corner and shove him in. I push him against a wall and kiss the fuck out of him. I know we've been spending weeks exploring each other sexually, and are closer than we've ever been, but I feel like these boys have simply unleashed a need in me I didn't know I had.
I'm insatiable. I want them, every minute, every hour of the day. Ten years of repressed sexual need, of lack of intimacy, fuck, of not feeling like I'm in my own body, begs, no, demands these men. I need him more than this event. To have Alex as mine. His strength, his control, his darkness. I crave it all. He spins me around, never the one to be out of control. He slams my back against the wall and presses his lips into mine, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, demanding, controlling, and fuck I'm here for it.
He grabs the back of my leg and hikes it against his hip, thrusting his hard erection into my core. Luckily, this dress has a side split along the leg. Holy fuck, after the entire evening of unwitting foreplay and I am primed, ready to come at any moment. He grinds against me again, palming my breast and pinching my nipple. We are nothing but desperate groping, gasping, moaning, and tongues and teeth.
Suddenly, a high pitched siren sounds. Alex freezes before I do, at attention, on duty, the soldier suddenly replacing the passionate love maker. It takes my lust-addled brain a moment to catch up before Alex curses, grabs my upper arm hard enough to hurt and drags me to an exit. I want to pout. I want to stop him and take his mouth again, rub myself against his crotch again. I don't want to stop what we were doing.
"Kitchen exit, stat." Alex shouts into his ear piece. Fuck, I'm useless drowning in Champaigne and lust. I simply follow his lead. Not that I have a choice, his fingers are pressing bruises into my arm.
We stumble down a set of stairs. Alex is in complete control, but my heels make it hard to keep up with him. The press of bodies around us only amplifies my anxiety. Thousands of people are screaming, shouting, and rushing towards the exits. Some people are live streaming the exit. I roll my eyes. Yes, please, livestream us being eaten alive by fire. Because that would make for great entertainment.
We squeeze into a tight hallway. I have no idea where we are, but I trust Alex. He would die before he gives me up. So while we rush, jostle, and fight to flee, I'm surprisingly calm. Alex has the situation handled, all I have to do is follow him. He'll protect me. The chaos around me is amped up, frenzied, another level. But I lean harder on Alex. I trust him. I love him.
We are in a narrow stairwell, where the bathrooms are, between the main museum, and an unmarked back exit. Alex is on my left, his arm slung across my shoulder, his body pressed against mine. We are within one hundred feet of the back exit, when something grabs my right wrist and tugs hard. I loose my balance and fall backward. Now my adrenaline spikes. Who the fuck had grabbed me? Was it the stalker? Was he trying to take me? Or just a random person caught up in the chaos? I look to see who has tugged me. If there is anyone around who I know, or maybe I recognize as a potential threat, but I don't recognize anyone. All I see is other influencers trying to escape a fire alarm. I throw my arms around Alex and almost climb on top of him.
"Someone grabbed me," I squeal, my voice high and tight with panic. Alex's face was already strained but his eyes go dark. The arm around my shoulder falls to my waist as he picks me up and barrels out the kitchen doors.
Before I know what's going on, Alex shoves me into the blacked-out SUV and Liam pulls away, tires squealing. We aren't far from the hotel, but no one speaks a word. Alex pulls me ontohis lap and wraps his arms almost painfully tight around me. I'm not even sure what to say. Silently, we walk to our bedrooms before going inside. I look at Liam, Alex and Brick. All of them have dark, painful, angry looks on their faces.
"I'm going to take a shower." I say simply before beelining it to the shower. I need space, I need a breath, I need a moment to process what had happed. I shed my dress and underwear before getting into the steamy shower stall. Not a second later the door opens.