Page 25 of Daddy's Claim
“This wet little pussy tells a different story. And it’s a good thing, too.”
“It gives me plenty of lubricant for your next punishment.” Gathering her juices on my fingers, I slid my hand up between her bottom cheeks and pressed at her entrance.
“Michael! No!”
“Naughty girl,” I murmured, pushing a finger past the tight ring of muscle that guarded her bottom hole. “What’s my name, princess?”
“Please don’t.” The words were little more than a horrified whisper and I looked up to meet her wide-eyed gaze in the mirror.
“Too late, Leonora. You wanted to test me, and this is what happens to naughty girls who push their Daddies’ buttons just because they can.”
She whimpered as I pushed my finger in as deeply as I could go. “You feel that, little girl? The next time you want to challenge me in front of someone, it’s going to be more than my finger in your tight little asshole.” Pulling my finger almost completely out, I pushed a second in alongside it without giving her time to adjust to the intrusion. “Next time, it might be a big ol’ hunk of ginger. Or perhaps a plug you’ll feel with every step you take for the rest of the day. If you’re very, very naughty, it will be Daddy’s cock filling your poor little bottom, giving you a good hard fucking you’ll remember for a very long time. Have I made myself perfectly clear, Leonora?”
“Yes, Daddy! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please take it out!”
“Stay there.” I freed my fingers slowly, drawing a whine from her before they slipped free. Gathering up some toilet paper, I folded the pieces over and pressed them against her wet hole.
“Oh, god. Please, stop, I can do that!”
“Nope. Good little girls get to clean themselves up. But naughty little brats have to let Daddy do it for them.”
I took my time cleaning her, far more than I needed. By the time I finished and flushed the paper, her cheeks were a bright red and tears were shimmering in her eyes once more.
Taking pity on her, I slid my arms around her as I washed my hands, pressing a kiss to her neck. “Be a good girl today, and Daddy will give you a reward tonight. I don’t want to keep punishing you, princess. I’d much rather spend my time worshiping that sweet pussy of yours.”
“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, her voice shaking.
“There’s my good girl. Come on, let’s get you back to the dining room. I expect you to actually eat something, and don’t think my ma will cover for you if you don’t.”
“She might.”
“She won’t.” Hands clean, I turned her and lowered my head to capture her lips in a light kiss. To my surprise, she sighed softly and practically melted against me.
With more reluctance than I cared to admit, I returned her to the dining room. Ma’s eyes narrowed when she saw the blush on Nora’s cheeks, but she didn’t say anything.
“Bye, ladies. Ma, don’t let Nora up from the table until she eats something. She’s being stubborn about breakfast.”
“Wait!” Nora gripped my arm, her eyes wide with what almost looked like panic. “Where are you going?”
I glanced over at Cole, who only raised an eyebrow as if to say it was up to me how much I wanted to share. “Cole and I need to go down to the docks and look into something. We won’t be gone long, princess, I promise.”
With a heavy, put-upon sigh, Nora dropped down into her seat and winced slightly. Ma reached over and patted her hand before beaming a smile at me. “Don’t worry, Michael. I’ll make sure she eats, and I’ll take very good care of my new daughter.”
Torn between gratitude and absolute terror, I bent down and brushed a kiss across my mother’s cheek. “Thanks, Ma. See you later. I love you.”
Cole was waiting for me in the hall, a wide grin plastered on his face. “Not a fucking word,” I growled as I stomped past him.
“My lips are sealed, cousin.”
Iglared down at the plate Mama Scarlett had plopped in front of me. It was piled high with far more food than I needed, but I knew damn well I’d be expected to finish it without complaint. At least with my overbearing husband gone I could finally relax a bit. If I could just get rid of Adele, I might actually be able to enjoy myself.
Mama Scarlett settled into the chair beside me and got right down to the reason for her visit. “Now, as you were saying,bella?”
With a deliberately pitiful sigh, I picked up my story from where Michael had interrupted me. “I just don’t know what I did that was so wrong. I wanted to go out to dinner with Michael, but he said no to that, and then he said no to me going out with my friend! Apparently I’m just supposed to sit in this house and never enjoy myself ever again.”