Page 26 of Daddy's Claim
Throughout the whole story, Adele glared in my direction, as though she wanted to jump across the table and strangle me. I was still trying to put on a good show for my new mother-in-law, so I held on to my “I don’t give a fuck about what you think” facade as long as I could. But after several long minutes of beingon the receiving end of such open hostility, I’d had more than I could stand.
“Do you have a problem?” Setting my fork down on the table with a snap, I took my napkin off my lap and tossed it in front of me as if I were literally throwing down a gauntlet.
“That is not exactly how it happened.” The clipped tones accentuated Adele’s accent, making her sound both more exotic and even more of a bitch than usual.
“Well, by all means then, enlighten me on howyouthink it happened.”
“It is not my story to tell.” With a shrug, Adele picked up her coffee cup and sipped.
Up until that moment, I’d never realized that “seeing red” was a literal thing that could happen if you were angry enough. Slamming my hands down on the table, I shot to my feet and snarled. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? If you’re going to call me a liar, you goddamn well better have something to back it up.”
“I did not call you a liar. I simply said you are not telling the whole story.” A smirk lifted the corner of Adele’s mouth as she returned her coffee mug to the table. “Not that I can blame you. The truth does not paint you in a very flattering light, does it, Nora?”
Tears burned in my eyes, but I would be damned if I’d give her the satisfaction of seeing them fall. “Oh, fuck you, Adele. All you have done is judge me from the second you laid eyes on me.”
“And you have not done the same with me?” Adele shot back.
Maybe she had a point, but dammit, she’d started it. Even as I recognized how childish I sounded in my own head, I refused to back down. “You weren’t the one forced into marrying a man you barely know!”
Mama Scarlett clapped her hands together, but we continued glaring at each other from across the table. “Girls, girls. Let’s sit down and relax for a minute, all right?”
Narrowing my eyes at my infuriating housemate, I slowly lowered myself back into my seat.
“Eyes on me, the both of you,” Scarlett snapped, apparently finished with our behavior. And I couldn’t even blame her; we were being pretty ridiculous.
I turned my head to meet her eyes, and I assumed Adele did the same because Scarlett glanced over and smiled, her voice softening when she spoke again. “Thank you, girls. Now, it seems to me that the two of you have some issues to work out, but you both need to remember that we areallgoing through some pretty big changes.”
She pinned us each with a stern glare, and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks at her scolding. It had been so long since I’d had a parent dress me down, I’d completely forgotten how it felt. Even Michael in full “Daddy mode” didn’t hold a candle to his mother.
Seemingly satisfied we were listening, she continued. “Nora, bless her soul, had a pretty traumatic introduction to married life from the sounds of it. And it’s not like Adele has had an easy time of it, either. Leaving Interpol to marry into… well, into a family like ours is certainly an adjustment. ”
“Scarlett!” Adele’s voice was a low hiss, and it took me a moment to process what she might be so upset about. I was so caught up in my own misery, Scarlett’s words had barely registered. But when they did, my mouth fell open, and I whipped my head from one woman to the next as though I was watching a particularly riveting tennis match.
“I’m sorry,what? Did you just say Adele is with fucking Interpol?”
Alarm filled Mama Scarlett’s eyes and from across the table Adele muttered in harsh, guttural French. It wouldn’t have surprised me if she was cussing us out.
“I assumed…” Sighing, Mama Scarlett shook her head. “I should have known better. The men in our family aren’t exactly known for being forthcoming. But I trust you will not share what we’ve discussed with anyone outside of this household, will you,bella?”
As much as I wanted to throttle Adele, I knew better than to tell family secrets. “I won’t tell anyone. I’m not a snitch.”
Adele’s derisive snort had Mama Scarlett shooting her a glare before she laid a hand on my leg and squeezed. “Good girl. I trust you.”
Those simple words eased some of the pressure that had seemed to take up permanent residence in my chest. “Thank you, Scarlett.”
“Call me Mama.” Giving my leg another reassuring squeeze, she smiled at me and then Adele. “I understand if the two of you aren’t going to be best friends. But Michael and Cole have been thick as thieves their entire lives, so believe me when I tell you that they will absolutely not put up with constantly feuding wives. And you know what that means for you two, right?”
The knowing look on her face made me blush and piqued my curiosity all at the same time. I already knew Adele got spanked, obviously, but I could not imagine anyone taking Mama Scarlett to task and leaving with their dick and balls still attached. Then again, before yesterday I would have said the same thing about myself.
Adele and I shared a glance before giving our attention back to Scarlett. I was pleased to see my nemesis seemed to look as embarrassed as I felt.
“So, unless the two of you want to walk around with sore backsides for the remainder of this living situation, I suggestyou work out your issues and at least find a way to remain civil around each other.” Scarlett finished her lecture with a pointed look at each of us. “Now, if we are all finished eating and fighting, maybe we can give Leonora a tour of her new home?”
“Prison is more like it,” I mumbled, instantly regretting it when a look of sadness and understanding washed over Scarlett’s face.
“I know they can be heavy handed, but they mean well. Mikey’s entire purpose as your husband is to keep you safe, and he will do anything he has to in order to do so. Your best shot at happiness and contentment is to obey, pick your battles, and learn to bend him in your direction every once and a while.”
She winked, and I wished I could crawl under the table and hide forever.