Page 59 of Hometown Cowboy
Millie stood and stepped in front of him. “Oh I’m hearing you, all right. That’s what’s wrong, isn’t it? She cut you so bad you’ve never been able to move past it, so you push people away.” She nodded, her eyes sad. “I wish I’d seen it before.”
“No! You don’t understand.” Ryan drew in a deep breath and fought the tightness in his chest.
“I think I do. Finally. I forgive you, if that’s what you came here looking for? I forgave you a long time ago.”
She stepped closer and placed a hand on his arm. Ryan stared at it, unsure how the conversation had turned around so crazily.
“But you know what? Please don’t do the same thing to Darby. I admit I haven’t been the nicest person in town the last little while.” She laughed. “Make that alongwhile, but Darby’s good people. Sure, you may not love her, but she’s also one of your best friends. Don’t let a lapse of common sense ruin that. Real friends are pretty rare. Okay, so she’s pregnant. You can be as involved, or not, as you want. Just don’t freeze her out. Let her know what you’re feeling, what youwant. It will go from there.”
He opened his mouth, but the words he wanted to say simply weren’t there.
Whatdidhe want?
There was only one answer to that.
“I-I want Darby,” he whispered.
A genuine smile widened her mouth. “Well, look at that. Ryan Thomas finally getting soft on a woman.” She rubbed his arm. He looked at it like it was something alien, still shocked. “Then go get her.”
Ryan looked up from her hand to her face. “You’re a pretty awesome chick, Millie Stevens.”
Millie laughed. “I keep telling people this, but they don’t seem to listen all that well.”
“Maybe it’s time wemadethem listen.” His shoulders relaxed and the start of a smile edged onto his mouth.
“So, we’re good?”
Millie nodded. “Yes. We’re good.”
Go get her.
He moved to the front door and smiled the first genuine smile to fall from his lips since he’d come home from hospital.
He’d show Darby Jameson he was worth taking a chance on.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Gabe put hishands on his hips and looked out over Ryan’s herd. “We have a ninety-two per cent pregnancy rate. I’d say we’ve done pretty darned well this year.”
Ryan nodded and leaned back against the shed wall.
“I’m pretty happy with them. The new insemination program we set up seems to be going great. Much better than the fiasco with Ralph.”
Gabe laughed. “The poor guy was intimidated by all the work he was supposed to do. You can’t blame him, it was his first time over a heifer.”
Gabe’s laughter stopped suddenly. He narrowed his gaze at Ryan. “How many did he attempt again?”
Ryan rubbed his jaw and pushed off the wall. “Six wasn’t it? Six complete wash-outs. I actually felt sorry for him.”
“Yeah,” Gabe answered softly. “Me too.”
Ryan raised an eyebrow. “What?”
He shook his head. “Nothin’.” He turned and walked toward the giant house-side doorway. “You coming, or what?”
“Yeah, yeah. Hold onto your hat.”
He looked up to see Gabe grinning over his shoulder.