Page 2 of My Silent Demon
She sounded serious when she said, “At least no one died.”
“What?” I looked between them. I’d never met Onyx before so I was unsure how to take their banter.
“Nothing, she’s joking.” Onyx replied. He took a bite of his breakfast pizza and closed his eyes as he chewed.
“How are your classes going?” Wynn asked.
“Good. I have a couple of papers due soon, but it’s going well for my second semester.”
Wynn smiled. “Awesome. I’m so glad to hear that.”
“Are you getting settled in here after all that hassle with your ex?”
Wynn said, “I am. He’s not a problem anymore.” She smiled knowingly. “How’s your dorm?”
I blinked at her. Interesting response.
I decided I didn’t want to ask questions and ignored what she said. Whatever she’d done to her ex was none of my business.
I grabbed a banana off my tray and peeled it.
“It’s been great. I have a single room and no one’s bothered me.” I opened the banana.
“Great. When I was a freshman, I always thought college was so much better than high school.”
“I agree. I don’t miss high school at all. How’s the new school for you?” I bit into the fruit.
“I’m thrilled with it. I couldn’t have made a better choice.” Wynn beamed and hugged Onyx’s side. Onyx smiled and kissed her temple.
I smiled. They were a cute couple.
A text message chirped from Onyx’s phone. He frowned, put down his pizza, and picked his smartphone up off the table to look at it. “It’s Osian. Nothing to worry about right now.”
Wynn rolled her eyes. “Why’d he text you?”
“I dunno. It can wait.” He put down his phone and picked up his pizza.
Onyx frowned. “It’ll wait until I’ve had my pizza.” He took a bite defiantly.
“I need you to act like a responsible person right now and not a demon.”
Wynn meant that figuratively, right?
Onyx looked at Wynn, his phone, then his pizza. I could see the moment he decided when it crossed his face. He passed the phone to Wynn and turned his attention back to his pizza.
Wynn sighed. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Onyx is being a childish asshole today. He’s not usually like this.” She elbowed Onyx and looked at his phone. He ignored her as she typed something and put the phone down. She said to Onyx, “Osian’s meeting us here in five minutes.” She looked at me. “Sorry, Osian is Onyx’s brother. He needs to talk to us. I told him to come here.”
I waved my hand. “No worries. Do you need me to leave?”
“Do you speak sign language?” Wynn glanced at me as she peeled the plastic lid off a prepackaged bowl of cereal and poured on milk.
I shook my head no.
She said, “Then you’re fine. Osian only speaks sign language. Or in writing.”
“Oh. Is he deaf or mute?”