Page 3 of My Silent Demon
Onyx frowned and shook his head no, but he kept his gaze on his pizza.
Wynn shook her head. “Not that I can tell. I think he simply chooses not to talk.”
“Huh. That’s unusual.”
“I know. It was a little weird when I first met him, but I found we didn’t need words to communicate as I got to know him. I got used to his silence after a while.”
Onyx finished his pizza and took a drink from the orange juice on his tray. He looked more focused now.
“You’ve had your breakfast pizza. Are you ready to be normal now?” Wynn asked him.
“Yes. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Sorry, little one.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, and they smiled fondly at each other. Their love was obvious.
Onyx broke away. He looked at me and extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Onyx. It’s nice to meet you.”
I raised an eyebrow but shook his hand. “Magdalene. It’s nice to meet you, too.”
He narrowed his eyes when he heard my name, but he said nothing. His gaze turned to Wynn as he pulled his hand back and asked her, “Did Osian say what he wants?”
“No, he only said he’ll be here soon.”
“I wonder what he needs to talk about.”
Onyx’s vision snapped to someone walking into the room behind me. His arm went up to wave at them. “Hey, man. Over here.”
A few moments later, the smell of peppermint hit me as Osian pulled a chair up to the table.
Onyx said, “Osian, this is Magdalene. Magdalene, this is Osian.”
Like the sea — ocean. Noted.
I turned to greet him. My heart stopped when the face of the savior from my dreams looked back at me.
Chapter 2
The red-haired woman, Magdalene as Onyx called her, looked stunned in place. I extended a hand for a handshake, hoping to snap her out of it.
She took my hand in slow motion, her green eyes never leaving my face.
I’d never seen this woman before so I wasn’t sure what her problem was.
I nodded at her as I pulled my hand back. There, I’d acknowledged her, now I could ignore her. Human custom complete. My attention turned to the two beings across the table, my brother Onyx and his girlfriend Wynn.
Though Magdalene couldn’t see it — “unaware” humans couldn’t — Onyx and I were demons. We both appeared as human males to the unaware, but humans who knew of the supernatural or other supernatural beings could see us as we really looked — no nose, gray skin, dark pupils, and short horns. The only trait unaware people could see was our black irises, which made our eyes look big. Most demons diverted the blame to contacts.
Onyx’s girlfriend, Wynn, could see us as we really were because Onyx told her the truth, but to my knowledge no one had revealed our origins to Magdalene.
I looked at the demon across from me and his human girlfriend.
Is she aware?I signed with a slight head nod at Magdalene.
Onyx shook his head no.
Can she sign?
Another head shake no.