Page 20 of My Guardian Demon
I nodded. "That's how Eston didn't kill you last time."
She wrinkled her forehead and frowned. "Well then, my guardian angel sucks because I got the snot beat out of me twice and it took weeks to recover each time."
I laughed. "Don't worry. Your old guardian retired. You'll have a new protector soon. Hopefully, the new one's better."
She stood in place with her hands on her hips, like she was absorbing everything I said. "How does it work? This protection thing?"
"If your life is in danger, your guardian is summoned to your location to protect you. I don't know how your last guardian let things progress so far."
Wynn perked up. "Who's the new guardian? Can I meet them?"
"It's kind of up in the air right now. You have a temporary guardian until a permanent one gets assigned."
"Who's the temporary one? Do I know them?"
I couldn't lie to her, and evidently she could read the truth in my face.
She moved toward me. "You're my guardian. So you're an angel? Is that why you won't tell me your species?"
I huffed a laugh. "I'm no angel."
Wynn's hands came up to my cheeks and made me look at her. She looked so fragile. Those big, wide eyes drew me in. "What are you?"
"Wynn." I covered one of her hands with mine and looked her in the eyes. "You don't want to know what I am. They made a mistake assigning me to you. It'll be fixed soon."
Her eyes narrowed and confusion flicked across her features. "But I feel safe with you."
"You shouldn't."
Her eyes widened as she realized the truth. "You're a demon, aren't you? Those comments about Northern vs. Southern and how I'm like a demoness suddenly make sense."
I felt nauseated in the pit of my stomach. She knew.
I removed her hands from my face and nodded.
"Yes. I'm a demon. You're a human. I'm already working on getting the mix-up fixed. But I get it. I'll leave." I lowered my eyes and stepped aside to get by her.
She didn't step aside like I expected. Instead, she slapped me.
My eyes flew up to hers in shock.
She looked angry. "You don't get to drop a bomb like that on me then leave. You're my friend. I feel safe with you around, even if you think I shouldn't. I don't givea fuck if you're a demon, an angel, or the goddamn Kracken. You're not going anywhere. Check your species at the door. I don't care." She paused. "Although your amusement atLucifermakes sense now."
"Really? Most humans are afraid of me."
"Most humans suck."
She held her arms out for a hug, which I gladly gave her.
I still couldn't believe it. I blew out a deep breath. "It doesn't bother you?"
She leaned back and made me look her in the eyes, a warm hand pressed to my cheek. "It doesn't bother me. I was torn up about the situation — supernatural, paranormal, magic, and everything — when I first found out. I've since accepted it. And I've spent time with you. I trust you. I don't care what you are. You're Onyx. That's all I care about."
I closed my eyes. "You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that. I've been so worried."
"I wondered why you looked sad so often. You don't have to worry, though. I still want to be your friend." She patted me on the cheek. "Now, I need you to show me how to kick some ass."
A grin broke across my face. "I can do that."