Page 21 of My Guardian Demon
Chapter 10
Two months later
Onyx spent every other day teaching me to defend myself, both physically and with a gun. When he wasn't teaching me, he was hanging out at my apartment. If we weren't together, we were talking through the wall. I hadn't heard any wallbanging since that first time. Two months passed this way. Onyx's "appeal" seemed to be lost in the paperwork and hadn't received a decision yet, but I couldn't say I'd feel safe with anyone else as my guardian. He'd easily become my best friend. I trusted him, demon or not.
"No, no, no. The other way!" I drunkenly shouted at the TV. "Awww, man!" The contestant I was rooting for on MXC got knocked off the platform by a swinging bar.
Onyx laughed. "That'll be a drink from you."
I rolled my eyes and took a swig from my beer. I wiped my mouth and asked, "Whose idea was this stupid drinking game, anyway?"
"Yours, but I like it."
"You only like it 'cause your team is winning!"
Onyx laughed. "So?"
The game was that Onyx or I had to drink whenever one of the contestants on our team got eliminated.
"So if my team was winning, you'd hate it."
Onyx turned his head to look at me where I sat beside him on my couch. "I don't know. Probably. I'm mostly enjoying this because you're tipsy and you say the most random things. I'm not sure I'd enjoy it otherwise."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I licked my lips and focused on his mouth. "I know you want me to kiss you, but I want you to trust me so I'm not going to do anything when you've been drinking. Let's keep watching and see who wins."
I met his gaze. "I already trust you."
He smiled. "I'm happy to hear that but I'm still not taking advantage of you while you're drunk. You'll kick my ass for it when you're sober if I do."
"Probably," I said.
He pulled me to his side and put his arm around my shoulders. After a quick kiss to my temple, he went back to watching the show.
I rested my head against his side and drunkenly fell asleep against him.
* * *
"So what's going on with this appeal thing?" I panted. I kicked at Onyx's head.
He blocked the kick and countered it with one of his own, which I blocked. We both wore loose-fitting workout clothes and had moved aside the furniture in my living room.
He said, "I don't know. It's like they lost it. I was told they'd have a decision in a week when it first happened but I checked yesterday and it's still pending." He panted and blocked another kick. "You're getting pretty good at this."
"Good teacher and all. Can you cancel the appeal?"
He stopped in place and looked at me. "What?"
I put my hands on my hips and tried to catch my breath. "Can you cancel the appeal? I don't want another guardian."
"But another guardian is going to look out for you the right way. I'm not. You're not even supposed to know I'm around. Or that the supernatural exists."
"That's stupid. I'm more prepared with you than I've ever been. I feel more capable of getting out of a dangerous situation alive now than I ever have."
Onyx growled.