Page 28 of Spring's Descent
Stones crumbled at Aidoneus’s feet, fissures spiraling outward as he stepped forward. Keeping one hand on my back, he lifted the other as he muttered a spell. I could feel his magic working as if the tendrils of it were still swirling in my body. He’d constructed a shield, a wall of his magic clashing with Kampe moments later. Though my eyes were fixed on the failing bridge beneath us, I sensed each burst of power cutting through the dark sky, sinking into the she-dragon’s scaled hide. Just as I could feel Kampe tumbling through clouds, only to rise again.
It wasn’t enough. With a curse, Aidoneus lifted both hands to the sky, stepping further in front of me as he gritted his teeth and sent pulse after pulse of magic.
The moment his touch fell away from me, my legs buckled. It felt like I’d been running for days, a soul-deep fatigue that leeched every ounce of motivation from my being. I watched as he took another step forward, the deep cadence of his voice continuing as he did everything possible to defend against Kampe’s rage. I wanted to stay by him, but I couldn’t stand, couldn’t do anything but breathe through the unassailable weariness pulling me under.
Aidoneus sent a blast of magic toward her as she dove. It clipped her wing, changing the trajectory of her dive toward me. I somehow found the strength to roll, only just avoiding Kampe’s large talons, as Aidoneus sent another blast toward her.
Cracks formed around the gash in the bridge, splintering outward and under my trembling fingers. I should be concerned that the fissures were growing. Iwas, but it was like a murky film had been cast over me. Adrenaline flooded my veins, the sound of my frantic heart beating in my ears nearly deafening. I needed to move, but a vast emptiness had opened, numbing every instinct screaming at me to run.
“Get up!” Aidoneus shouted in between spells. “We need to reach the other side of the bridge before the entire thing collapses.”
His words stoked a small spark within my mind, but it was caged, surrounded by rings of icy apathy. My shoulders rounded, my body bowing forward as I watched the rock fracture beneath my palms, splintering toward my knees.
“Little witch,” Aidoneus pleaded as he battled Kampe a few paces ahead, but his voice was like a whisper on the wind. “You need to move.”
I glanced to the edge, seeing the blood-red fires of the Phlegethon beneath me. The monstrous river appeared small from this high up. Peaceful, almost. I wondered if it would hurt when my body crashed into it. I wondered if the scorching steam swirling up from its cursed waters would kill me first.
That name pierced through some of the fog. I shook my head, fighting to draw my gaze up against the bone-deep exhaustion overtaking me.
“That’s it, Persephone. Listen to my voice.”
Aidoneus was racing toward me, great shadows stretching out behind him, like the ghost of wings. My brows furrowed asI tried to focus on his face, but everything was blurry. Several small pieces of the bridge broke off beneath my fingers, the obsidian shards starting their long fall.
“Aidoneus,” I breathed, terror flaring deep in my soul as I stared up into his eyes.
He reached out, his hand inches from mine—before black talons pierced through his stomach. Blood welled from the wounds as Kampe snatched him from the bridge, his eyes widened in disbelief as he was hoisted up.
I screamed, scrambling forward on my hands and knees as I watched him being swallowed by the dark, churning clouds overhead. With my gaze searching the ash-filled sky, I didn’t realize the bridge had collapsed until I was already falling.
My brows furrowedas I tried to understand why Persephone was growing smaller, drifting further away. Then, the searing pain across my middle hit, lashing through my stomach.
Gods dammit, Kampe.
Twisting, I forced her talons to slice further into my gut as I arched my spine to face her.
I’m not sure what my little witch did, but I feltlifehumming in my veins, the loud pounding of my heart. The fact that my magic felt more present was also proof that she’d undone some of the curse that had bound me since returning to The Underworld. I could still feel something subduing my magic, like a faint dusting of snow, but with Persephone’s power coursing through my veins, I was able to summon my true form.
Ram horns spiraled back from my head and black wings larger than Kampe’s shimmered into place as my pupils expanded. I allowed the tips of my fingers to grow into claws, gripping Kampe’s shoulders as I forced her to look at me.
It’s me, Kampe. Hades.
Kampe’s wings faltered, her reptilian eyes going wide as I spoke into her mind.
Master? But you don’t smell like yourself.
She hovered amid the black clouds, eyes narrowed as if this were a trick. Any other time I would have just killed her and let her body regenerate, but this close to Persephone’s awakening, my powers were limited. I couldn’t risk burning through more magic when we were so close to setting everything right.
Still, I couldn’t have rumors spreading about my weakened state.
I’m aware. My little witch’s doing.I added just enough inflection to make it seem as if I’d been thoroughly enjoying myself.
Kampe studied me.The girl?