Page 26 of Race to Me
With a sigh, I rub the sleep from my eyes. “I can’t.”
She laughs, thinking I’m joking. That is, until I don’t return her laughter. “For what?” Her eyes go wide.
“Me and Foster left the race, and it started raining so we pulled over.” I can’t help the ridiculous smile that spreads on my face at the memory.
“He kissed you in the freaking rain, didn’t he?” she demands, sitting up on her knees. “Oh my God! He did!”
The night replays in my mind, making me giddy. “And things got a little heated but then the night was ruined.” She quirks a brow, and I continue, “We got his car and came here. I thought my parents were gone, but the storm stopped them. You can imagine what happened next.”
“Oh, shit!” She whistles. “Well, where are they now?”
“Their flight was delayed until this morning. They already left.” I shrug, knowing they won’t be here for my birthday Friday.
Kate quirks a brow. “So, come with me then.”
“Kate, I just said I was grounded.”
“Oh, Rita!” she yells out.
Mrs. Rita comes to the door moments later, peeking her head in. “Yes, dear?”
“Can Sky come stay with me tonight?”
I hit her leg, “Sorry Rit—”
Rita gives me a mischievous grin, like she’s been waiting for this small act of rebellion from me for years. “Yes, just don’t tell your parents.”
Oh. That was easy. “Thank you!” Why did I think she would say no? She’s always been so nice to me.
She smiles, adding, “You girls be careful. Grab breakfast before you go.”
I get up and take a quick shower, making sure to dab on a little make up just in case I see Foster today.
I want to text him as I grab a muffin off the kitchen table, but I refrain.
Kate grabs a bottle of water and sits down at the bar top. “Can we swing by Midtown? I need a new dress.”
I think for a moment about Foster’s words last night. He said that outfit wasn’t me, and when I questioned him about why, he made fun of me and my sweaters saying that wasn’t me either. So, who do I want to be? Who am I? Even the simple decision of choosing clothes that aren’t solely meant to make me look presentable and perfect excite me.
I smile from ear to ear. “Yeah, I want to grab a few things too.”
The Miami heat is sweltering as we walk through the parking lot towards the mall. I worry the soles of my shoes will melt if we stand still for too long.
Once inside Kate’s favorite store, her eyes linger on a familiar dress. “Don’t you have that exact one?” I ask, chuckling.
She rolls her eyes, retorting, “It got ... ruined.”
I start to respond, but my eyes are transfixed on a mannequin wearing light blue denim jeans, ones that are both distressed and shredded on top of being jaw-droppingly beautiful. I love the top too; a simple white shirt that ties in the middle. But until my bruises heal—and unless I don’t get anymore—I can’t wear it.
I find my size on the rack, not bothering to try it on. “That’s going to look so cute on you!” Kate touches the fabric of the jeans, then she flips through the top sizes, handing me one in a small.
“That’s a little too much for me.” I lie, desperately wanting it.