Page 27 of Race to Me
She shakes her head. “You’ll wear it, and it’ll look perfect on you! Trust me.” I scrunch my nose, worried. But I cave, grabbing it and hoping that the marks will be gone soon.
“I’m ready. You?” Kate asks. I quickly grab a similar white shirt to wear for now that hangs off the shoulder but doesn’t tie.
I look in the mirror for a moment, taking in my reflection. I left the house in a mid-length khaki skirt, my hair tied slick on my head, and a light pink collared shirt. I still love pink, but I desperately need different options. My eyes pan down to my practical dress shoes.
“I need some new shoes too.”
She nods eagerly, knowing that typically when we go shopping it’s for her since my mom usually buys the ‘uniforms’ I’m supposed to wear to fit into the family. “Who are you doing all of this for?” she asks.
I smile, knowing full well who it’s for. “Me.” I need to do more for me.
We mull through the wall of shoes, with Kate trying to convince me into buying heels and me shaking my head numerous times. “You don’t want heels, you don’t want boots.” she complains, letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Nope. Heels aren’t my thing unless it’s for something like a dress up occasion. Boots are too hot. I shouldn’t have even bought jeans with how freaking hot it is.” I snicker.
“They’re ripped, so that won’t be a problem. We need to get a tan going though. Maybe the beach soon?” I freeze up at the idea, but I can always wear a one-piece.
“There!” I point up, thankful for Kate’s height when she grabs the pink Vans with ease. “Perfect.”
After paying, we step out of the store. I have the urge to get out of the dress flats, and I do. Slipping them off and throwing the new Vans on, I love how relaxed they feel. The responsibility of dress shoes may sound funny to some, but the casualness of the comfy, cute shoes is freeing.
I want to throw them out, but they were three-hundred-dollar Ferragamo’s. “Do you want them?”
Kate smiles, immediately taking them from me and tossing them into her bag. “We have to do business dress during presentations, so you just saved me from having to wear my mom’s.”
“Okay,” I snicker, dusting off my khaki skirt, looking ridiculous in this outfit with my new shoes. “Let’s go to the dorms.”
Pulling up onto campus feels relaxing, I know that’s unusual for some, but this has become my escape. “I’m starving!” Kate exclaims, clutching her stomach and breaking me from my thoughts.
“Should we order in Chinese and watch sappy love movies?” I suggest.
She nods, grinning. “Definitely.”
We grab our bags and link arms, laughing as we walk down the hallway. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous of Kate and how she gets to live here. The freedom she has is what I crave.
“So, tell me about Ryder,” I ask, admiring the hallway. The walls are lined with posters of events happening around campus. As we pass the open doors of her hallway, you can tell different personalities from the way the rooms are split into two and decorated.
“He’s so sweet! I followed him back to his place in your car and we stayed the night together.” I don’t want to mention that I’m apparently not allowed there. “Maybe we could set up a double date!” she suggests much too eagerly.
I nervously laugh, checking my phone. “Yeah, he hasn’t even texted me back, so I wouldn’t be planning any dates.” Worry creeps in. “But I’m happy for you!”
We turn one last corner and walk into Kate’s room. Her side is decorated in white and peach hues. It’s sort of a boho theme; live plants cascade down from shelves and a little meditation mat lays on the floor. I already know the plants are from her mom who loves to garden.
To my right, her roommate’s’ side is decorated in—
“What is she doing here?” an all too familiar voice snaps.
Kate rolls her eyes, but I can’t speak. She says, “Hello, sunshine. Meet my best friend, Sky—”
Envy, who I still prefer to call Greeny, scrunches her nose in disgust. “I know who she is. I asked why she was inmyroom.” She sneers.
I almost can’t take anymore of her attitude. “It’s not justyourroom.”
“Whatever,” Envy rolls her eyes, slipping on her thick boots that match the aesthetic of her side of the room. Black and neon green. “I’m out. Don’t touch my shit.”
Kate waves goodbye sarcastically, and when Envy is gone, she turns to me. “How do you know that wretched bitch?”