Page 94 of Dating and Dragons
My stomach sinks. It’s Caden—he streamed the entire thing. He changed his username from last time, probably because he got blocked, but his initials and number are the same, so there’s no question it’s him.
Then I notice a reply to one of his comments.
@SmilingDM:Hey @64CMscores, go back to your cave with the rest of the trolls. No one wants you here.
I chuckle and point out the comment to Logan. “I think I might be loving the chat now. Is that actuallytheSmiling DM telling off Caden?”
Mark and Sanjiv come closer so all six of us hover around the screen to read.
“Yesss, I’m so glad you invited Stephanie.” Kashvi high-fives Sloane and Mark. “Wait! Quinn, oh my god, do you remember what we said at the end?” She grabs my arm and shakes it wildly.
I glance around in confusion. Everything is a blur. Then I remember and slap my hand over my mouth.
And the guy’s a horrible kisser, from what you said.
It was like he was trying to suction my lips off with his mouth.
Kashvi repeats it, laughing so hard she can barely stand. “I can’t believe he heard that!”
“Not just him,” I reply. “Everyoneheard that.”
Sanjiv whistles low. “That’ll shut him up.”
“He’s a coward coming into our chat like that,” Logan says. He tugs me closer and kisses the top of my head. “He deserves whatever he gets.”
I can’t argue with that, but also…I realize I don’t care either way. It doesn’t matter what Caden thinks or what snarky comment Paige has. It doesn’t matter if I run into them next week or if I never see them again for as long as I live. They’re in my past, and that’s where I’m going to keep them.
“Can we close the chat now?” I ask. “I’m good for a lifetime.”
“Good call,” Sloane says. “Some of these comments are moving into borderline creepy.”
Logan steps closer to read. Sanjiv scrolls and points out a few. “There’s one viewer who is weirdly adamant that you kiss.”
Logan freezes and then bursts out laughing. “Quinn, you’vegotto come see this.”
Hesitantly, I read the username and immediately shriek-laugh.
@Barbara.Clarice.Norton:Will you two get on with it and kiss already! Not all of us have the entire day to wait around.
“That’s your grandma, right?” he asks.
I put my face in my hands.Of courseGrandma would use her complete legal name as her username. I pull out my phone to see multiple messages from her, all saying some version of “I told you so” or “kiss him before I get bored.”
I can’t stop laughing at this point. I think I’m getting a little punchy from this whirlwind of insanity.
“I guess that’sslightlyless weird if the comments are from your grandma?” Sanjiv asks, though he doesn’t look convinced.
Logan kisses me on the temple. It feels amazing to have him do that in front of all our friends, but it’s also weird after all the hiding we’ve been doing. I look around to the group, who have dazed expressions. This was not how any of us thought this afternoon would go.
“So…I guess this is the type of thing you were hoping to avoid when you made that rule, huh?” I ask with a smirk.
“We couldn’t have even imagined this,” Sloane whispers.
“I don’t know, with viewer numbers like that, I think you two are on to something. Maybe we should brainstorm a fight for next week?” Sanjiv asks. “Quinn, you can tell Logan how annoying the voice is that he uses for Adris and—”
“What?” Logan interrupts.