Page 95 of Dating and Dragons
“Someone had to say it.” Sanjiv gestures to Sloane. “Get the stream back up, this should be good.”
I put up a hand. “That’s very helpful, but we’re good on livestreaming drama for a while. And I think I can speak forLogan when I say we both want to get back to our regular gaming. All together.”
The group all nods in agreement, and I never want this feeling to go away.
“And we’re cool, Kashvi?” Logan asks. “No weirdness?”
“None, I swear. I can’t think of you like that after seeing how insanely adorable you two are together. In fact, since this session is clearly over, why don’t we give you a few minutes of privacy?” Kashvi winks at me and ushers the others toward the door. A moment later it closes, and Logan and I are finally, blissfully, alone.
He puts his hands out in defense. “Okay, listen, I know I shouldn’t have come here early like that, but I—”
I take him by the shoulders and kiss him, hard. Logan stills for a second, like he’s in shock, and then his hands are on me, fingers combing into my hair and wrapping around my back. Kissing him without the sting of guilt feelsincredible.
I smile into his lips, and he pulls back just enough to say, “You’re smiling.” His voice is ragged.
“There’s a lot to smile about.”
He kisses me again. I could live forever in the electric buzz vibrating through my skin.
“Hold on.” His smile is mischievous, and it makes my heart stumble. “Before they come back, I need to get a few things straight. You’re telling me I’m allowed to kiss you like this?” He brushes kisses over my freckles.
“Mmm, yes.”
“And here?” His mouth moves to mine, and I about collapse at the feel of his tongue against my own.
“Absolutely yes.Allthe time.”
“How about this?” He takes my face in both his hands and gazes into my eyes. “Am I allowed to tell you how much I’ve fallen for you?”
I’m having a hard time breathing, but I manage to nod. “Only if I’m allowed to say it back.”
He smiles, his eyes shining. “I like this new world with no rules.”
Pounding on the door makes us freeze. “We know better than to come in there,” Mark calls, “but don’t go messing up our gaming table and desecrating the dice. I think my latest set might finally be perfect.”
“Anyway,we’re going for pancakes,” Kashvi yells. “You should come with us…or not. But fair warning, Andrew is meeting us there and he has some opinions about what just went down.”
There’s a moment of silence as Logan and I look at each other before their steps thump back up the stairs. He cocks his head at me when the sounds fade. “Do you want to go?”
“Maybe in a few minutes?” I kiss him on his jawline.
He gives me a heated look. “No promises.”
Significantly more than a few minutes later, we head for my car. We beam at each other so brightly we probably look out of our minds.
“Actually, let’s stop at my work first,” he says as I pull onto the road.
I frown. “Why?”
“We need to get a few gallons of orange sherbet for your grandmother. I owe her one for asking me to take your picture.”
“How about pancakes first, sherbet delivery second, andthen we go back to your farm so you can show me around your shed inmuchmore detail?”
His hand squeezes my knee. “The best plan I’ve ever heard.”
I accelerate down the street. It’s hard to slow down when I’ve got the D&D campaign, good friends, and delicious pancakes waiting in my future.
And, most importantly, Logan.