Page 21 of Fierce-Michael
“It did. I still visit Brian in the cemetery. I leave him flowers all the time. I’ve seen his parents there before and don’t approach. They don’t have anything nice to say to me.”
“Even after all this time?”
“No,” she said. “It’s fine.”
No reason to say more or why. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thanks. Just like I won’t say anything about what you told me in regards to Ty and Electra. Pretty deep first date. Now I need to get my happy back on and my wine is all gone.”
“What else do you think you can do to get happy?” he asked.
She shifted over closer to him. “How about a kiss if you’re still interested? Or am I a nutcase and you want to run for the door?”
“Not running for the door,” he said, dipping his head down and laying his lips to hers.
She thought it was going to start out soft. When it didn’t, she expected hard.
Didn’t get that either.
Instead she got the perfect amount of panty-wetting tongue action that made her want to crawl in his lap, spread her legs wide, and remove their barriers of clothing.
She wouldn’t do that though.
But she did accept a good thirty minutes of them kissing on the couch and felt happier than she’d been in her life.
When he was walking out the door, he said he had a great time and he’d be in touch.
As for first dates, it might not have gone as planned, but she didn’t think she’d change a thing about it.
“Hi, Dad!” Ty said, running toward him at ten the next morning. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he said. “Did you have fun?”
“I did,” Ty said. “We watchedDespicable Meyesterday with lots of other kids.”
“One of your favorites,” he said. He’d picked his son up for a hug and then set him down. He loved that Ty wasn’t afraid to show affection like he’d never done as a kid. His parents never pushed him and he appreciated it.
“It was funny,” Electra said. “It’s the first I’ve seen it.”
He kept back any comment. He’d seen that movie and all the others in the series more than a dozen times. “We’ll see you on Tuesday,” he said.
“Actually,” Electra said. “I picked up an extra shift this week. Hope that was okay.”
“Sure,” he said. “Thanks for telling me now.”
Normally she didn’t tell him until he was running out the door to get Ty from daycare and drop him off. A few times he’d gotten to her place and she hadn’t been home and he’d call and get no answer and later be told she was working and forgot tolet him know. Just another reason he never let her be the one to pick Ty up anywhere.
If he thought of having dinner with Kelly again on Tuesday, that was out the window. It’d have to wait until the following Tuesday or two weeks when Ty was with Electra for her Saturday night again.
He’d figure it out later, but he knew for a fact he was having another date with her.
“Can we go now?” Ty said.
“We can,” he said. “We are going to Grandma and Grandpa’s for an early lunch. They want to see you.”