Page 35 of Choose You
“Why not? You say that about every girl I’ve ever asked you about. One of these days someone’s gonna come along and steal your heart. You’re not gonna know how to handle it.”
His eyes glaze over and a far-off look overtakes his expression, but it only lasts for a second until his grin returns. If I hadn’t been watching him, I might have missed it. “Can’t see that ever happening, but I guess anything is possible.”
By the timewe make it home, Emmie is sound asleep. We ended up staying later at Momma’s house than I planned, playing board games with my siblings. Emmie fought sleep the entire time we were there, and as soon as she was in her car seat, she was asleep. She doesn’t even make a fuss when I pick her up out of the truck to carry her inside. Between the late-night games, her riding lesson, and several hours playing with Leann, my girl is plum wore out.
The house is quiet, which doesn’t surprise me. It’s almost ten. The only light is coming from the kitchen, and it fills me with hope that maybe I haven’t missed Jessica today. I head straight upstairs, change Emmie into her pajamas and tuck her in.
I smile when I see Jessica’s bedroom door open. She hasn’t goneto bed unless she decided to move back into the guest room downstairs. Regardless, I’m hopeful this means she’s still up.
As I make my way downstairs, I hear her voice coming from the kitchen, but it's not just hers that I hear. I stop just outside the kitchen entryway. She’s talking via video conference with David.
I can’t believe I thought she was with him for all this time. After our awkward introduction at the funeral, he sought me out to explain their longtime friendship. He’s been married to his wife since before he even met Jessica. I didn’t tell him what led me to believe they were dating, but he seemed genuine, and I believe him. He also encouraged me to give Jessica more time because he believes she’ll come around.
I wanted to ask him a million questions about why he believes that. The sliver of hope he gave me has kept me going the rest of the week. All I want is one more chance to prove to her that I deserve her.
Just one chance. I won’t screw it up again.
I lean against the door frame and watch her. She doesn’t seem to notice I’m here even though I’ve made no effort to be quiet. She’s engrossed in her conversation with David. I don’t want to eavesdrop, but his next question causes me to wait where I am unnoticed.
“So, you’re not selling the vineyard?” he asks.
She shakes her head. “I can’t sell it. It’s all I’ve got left of my family. Plus, taking it over was always my dream.”
“I know, and Blaire and I support you in whatever decision you make.” He pauses for a moment before he continues. “Does this mean you’re also staying in Watercress Falls? Permanently, that is?” he asks.
“I think so.” Those three simple words make my heart stop. I had heard rumors that she was considering staying, but I’d assumed they were just that—rumors. I’ve been operating under the assumption that my time with her is limited, and that distance would soon be working against me again. Hearing her say it’s a possibility she’s staying out loud takes that sliver of hope I have and magnifies it. If she stays, my chances of winning her back increase.
“There’s a lot to figure out if I do,” she continues. “I have no idea what to do about the house. Do I sell it to Matt? Stay here until Ifind someplace else? Run my business from here or step down as president? What would that look like? Do you even want to take on a bigger role? What if—”
“Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Jess.” David chuckles. “We don’t have to have all those answers tonight. Start with what you really want. Do you want to be there or in Seattle?”
“Here.” She doesn’t hesitate, and it makes me smile.
“Good. Let’s make that happen first, then we’ll figure everything else out.” Jessica nods and picks up a glass of wine. She takes a sip and starts to say something, but David continues. “You know, if you stay, this will make it so much easier for you and Matt to work things out and get back together.”
“David, I can’t get back together with him.”
“Why not?”
She drops her head into her hands and groans. “You know why.”
“No, I know what you keep telling yourself. I know you're stubborn and will fight against something just to make a point, even if it’s wrong. I know he’s single. And I’ve no doubt there’s more to his story than you know. You just have to give him a chance.”
“I don’t know if I can trust him again. Not after what happened.”
“Jess, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. And I know you still love him. I also—”
“Shit.” It’s at that moment that she looks up and sees me standing in the entryway. Her eyes widen, and I can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest. “Uh, David.”
“He’s there isn’t he?”
“Yeah,” she says without taking her eyes off me.
David laughs, and Jessica turns her gaze back to him and frowns. “Good. I hope he heard everything I said. You two need a little push.” Without another word, the video chat ends, leaving Jessica and me alone in an awkward silence.
“I didn’t mean to intrude,” I finally say.
Her shoulders relax and she lets out a slow breath. “It’s fine. It’s not like you heard anything you probably don’t already know.”