Page 36 of Choose You
I can’t help but smile because she’s right. It was nice hearing David confirm all the things that have been swimming around in my mind, but it’s his last words that have my heart pounding and everyounce of my body begging for it to be true. I’m prepared to do the work required to earn her love again, but if she still loves me, then it’s her forgiveness and trust I need to focus on.
Not wanting to make things any more awkward than they already are, I head to the refrigerator and grab a beer. I pop the top and lean against the counter opposite where she’s sitting. She glances at her notes scattered across the island and starts gathering them up.
“Sorry. I kinda took over your kitchen.”
I wave off her concern and try not to let my smile show at the fact that she referred to this as my kitchen. “You’re fine. No need to apologize. Besides, it’syourkitchen.”
“I didn’t realize how late it was. I figured you’d be home by dinner time and need to feed Emmie, forcing me to take a break.”
“Have you been working all day?” I toss my beer back for a pull and try not to stare. For the first time since she arrived, she looks peaceful and content.
She nods. “Since just after lunch.”
I drop my arm and raise my brows. “Did you at least eat something for dinner?”
She wrinkles her nose and looks down at her laptop. “Not really. I had a snack earlier.”
“Jess, you have to eat.” I sit my beer down and open the refrigerator. “Let me make you something.”
“No, you don’t have to do that.”
I glance back at her and she’s worrying her bottom lip. “Are you hungry?”
“Yeah, a little.” Just then her stomach growls, causing her to groan.
“A little, my ass.” I turn back to the refrigerator and look at what I have. My eyes land on the block of Jarlsberg cheese and I grab it and the butter. “I’ll make you a grilled cheese sandwich.”
“Matt, you don’t have to do that.”
“I know.” I shrug and pull a skillet out. “But I want to, and you need to eat. I assume Jarlsberg is still your favorite.”
She brushes her hair behind her ear and suddenly looks shy, maybe even embarrassed. It's more of a response I might expect from someone on a first date who’s nervous. When her eyes meet mine,she smiles. “Yes. And Jarlsberg grilled cheese sandwiches are the best.”
“Good. Coming right up.” I smile and get to work slicing the cheese. I hear her behind me shuffling around papers and shutting her laptop. When I look back, she’s cleared most of her stuff away. “You didn’t have to stop working on my account.”
“I’m not. I’ve worked too long today anyway. I need to be done.”
“How about tomorrow?”
She pauses midway while putting files in her bag. “What do you mean?”
“Do you have to work tomorrow, or can you take the day off?”
“No. I mean, yes.” She stops, looks up at the ceiling, and takes a deep breath. “Sorry. I don’t have to work tomorrow.”
I smile. “Good. I could use your help.”
“With what?” She narrows her eyes, but her lips turn up into a slight smile.
“I have two horses that need exercise. It’ll be easier with a second rider.”
She gives me a puzzled look. “I didn’t think you had any horses here.”
“I keep them on the ranch. I need this space for the clinic. Plus, as soon as I keep a horse here, Emmie’s going to become even more relentless than she already is.”
Jessica laughs and it’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard in days, months, maybe even years. “That girl is more obsessed than I was at that age, and I was pretty bad.”
“Yeah, she was born ready to ride.” I smile and place a plate in front of her. I grab my beer and the sandwich I made for myself and slide into the stool across from her.