Page 120 of Knox
Maybe that was it—what she was missing. The triumph. She simply hadn’t held on long enough through the fear and recklessness and wild ride of letting Knox into her heart.
Safe, nice, protective Knox who’d just run down a bull to protect his friend.
Who had shown up tonight. Because…because God had answered her prayer.
And maybe it was time to stop letting fear rule her life.
“C’mon, girls, we have a change in the program.” She grabbed Glo’s hand and pulled her close as they walked to the dressing room.
“You’re singing your song tonight.”
“No, I—”
“Stop being so afraid!” She glanced at Tate, a few steps ahead of them. “Poor man deserves a little hope.”
A smile tugged on Glo’s face. “Maybe I do too,” she said softly.
Maybe, in fact, they all did.
Kelsey called in the band, grabbed her guitar, and laid out the new program. “Just one big change—aside from Glo singing her song. I’m debuting mine.”
Dixie grinned, folded her arms over her chest, nodded.
“Really?” Glo said. “We haven’t worked out any arrangements, there’s no…are you sure?”
“Yes. Just a simple acoustic performance.” No polish, just heart.
Please, God, make Knox be in the audience.
She ran the song a couple times with the band, and Glo offered a few ideas. But yeah, it was enough.Please let it be enough.
Even if it killed him, slowly, from the inside out, Knox planned on watching Kelsey sing. He’d stand in the shadows so he didn’t distract her, but when Kelsey walked out onstage, he’d lose himself for the space of her show in the what-ifs.
Clearly, however, she wasn’t interested in having him back in her life, because Tate would have texted him. When he’d left the voice mail—something he regretted almost instantly, thanks to the pleading in his voice—he’d left the decision with her.
Hey, Tate, it’s me. I’m here with Gordo—the show needed a boost, so they’ve brought us out for a one-night event. But…I was hoping…so, um…how’s Kelsey? I’d like to see her, but…she might not want to see me. I’m going to hang around for a while tonight, maybe catch the show, so if she’s…oh brother. Just text me if she wants to see me.
Yeah, desperate, weak, and pitiful.
He’d just have to figure out how to live with the ache in his chest.
And the lingering hum of fear ofcollateral damage.Ruby Jane had called Knox with an update on the Bryant League. According to her, the two men in the photo had vanished, which meant they could be anywhere.
Not necessarily Vegas, but…
“There he is!”
Knox turned to the voice and spied Rafe, limping just a little as he walked down the corridor. Katherine, his wife, and little Tori were with him, and when Tori saw Knox, she broke into a smile and a run.
He scooped her up, amazed at how easy it was to sink into the idea of having his own beautiful, dark-curly-haired daughter. “How are you?”
“I’m good. Are you here to see the Yankee Belles?”
He put her down. “I guess so.” He tried to keep a smile, but oh, yes, this night would hurt.
“Still walking?” he said to Rafe.