Page 121 of Knox
“I’m going to be on ice for a month, but thanks. I’m just glad to have lived through it.”
Katherine gave him a hug, kissed his cheek, leaned back, her eyes warm. “How did things go in New York City? Did you find what you needed?”
“Yeah, thanks for the introductions. Detective Rayburn was a big help.”
“He helped me track down Rafe years ago when he tried to hightail it out of town after crashing into my hotel.”
Knox looked at Rafe. Who lifted a shoulder. “It really wasn’t my fault. But I did get the girl, so…”
And Knox knew Rafe didn’t mean for his words to pinch, but…shoot, why couldn’theget the girl?
Rafe stepped up beside him and looked at the assembling crowd. The pre-music was still playing, a giant disco ball lowered from the ceiling, the floor of the arena crowded as the audience was let in. A giant black stage now jutted from the side of the arena, massive speakers and spotlights angled around to hit the metal rafters.
Only the lights from the hallways would be lit once the concert started, which meant he could hide in the back.
Wow, he was pitiful. Maybe he should just leave, pull the Band-Aid off fast, live with the fact that Kelsey really meant her words.
I’m just trying to be honest, Knox. It can’t work.
“I can’t believe our little plan paid off. I thought for sure it was a long shot—bringing Gordo back and me riding him. And it looks like the Yankee Belles will be a hit.” Rafe turned to him. “So all we need now is for you to say yes as our Director of Livestock.”
Knox nodded, looked away. Not if he had to endure this every night. “I’ll let you know,” he said, glancing up at Rafe.
Rafe considered him a moment, then, “You know, I can study a bull, watch his moves, even feel his breathing and how he stands in the gate to get a sense of how he’ll buck. But then, I just have to let go and let the instincts take off. Let the bull take me where he wants—and just hold on.”
Knox stared at him. “Is that some sort of metaphor for, Take the job, Knox?”
Rafe grinned. “Or maybe, follow your instincts, hold on, and don’t let her go?” He patted Knox on the arm and held out his hands for Tori and Katherine. They headed into the arena.
Knox stayed in the periphery, wishing he knew what instincts to hold on to. Because half of him wanted to run.
The other half couldn’t move, especially as the lights dropped. As the familiar a cappella voices lifted, as the Belles walked onto the stage in the dark, their song haunting and beautiful, the blend of female voices finding his soul.
The drum rolled, the lights came up, and there she was. Her beautiful hair was down, curled in soft waves around her face. She wore a white shirt, and her legs looked about a mile long in her cutoff shorts and fringed boots.
No, he couldn’t trust his instincts at all, because the strongest one told him to rush the stage and take her in his arms.
So sweet bull-doggin’ man, take me home tonight
Sing me a song, pull the stars from the sky
Make me believe your words, that everything will be all right.
Cowboy don’t lie—Take me away and make me fly.
He should leave. Right now. But just watching her up there in her element, wooing the audience, had lifted his heart right from his body. He’d even stepped out of the hallway, into the darkened crowd, as if pulled by her voice.
They finished their first song to the screams of the audience, then Kelsey took the mic, waving, introducing the band, then diving into the next song.
He knew them all. The one about the high school crush, the high energy songs everyone liked to sing along to. His gaze began to roam the crowd, landing on the security guards posted in the tunnels. Four tunnels plus the one behind him. Tate was probably backstage.
He barely noticed when the song ended and Kelsey took the mic. “We’re changing things up tonight. I usually sing the song written by Glo Jackson, but tonight, she’s going to take the mic for that one, and I have something new for you.”
One of the stagehands brought a stool out onstage. Kelsey sat on it and picked up the guitar from its stand, slipped it over her shoulder. Took a breath.
“This is actually the first song I’ve ever written. See, up until recently, I couldn’t write songs…too much stuff on the inside holding me back, I guess. But I realized that I was tired of my past cluttering my future, so…anyway, once I figured that out, this song sort of came out.”
She let her pick strum along a few chords.