Page 77 of Falling With You
I was still buzzingby the time I got to work, smiling at everybody and just enjoying myself. I was pretty sure I had a sign on my face somewhere that said,Just got laid. But it was fine with me.
Because I was happy. Aiden and I were working things out. My work was going well. Everything was going great. Yes, that meant things would probably fall apart at any moment, but I was fine with that theory because I was just going to live in the moment and enjoy the bliss.
It helped that Aiden had made me come three times that morning and I was still a little sore where it counted, but that was fine with me.
Because I got some. I got some. I got some.
I was only working a half-day today since my hours weren’t always consistent depending on my players’ schedules. That worked for me because that meant I could go and finish some paperwork and head down to the bar later to see how I could help the men there because it was Friday night, and I knew they would likely be busier than usual. That was great for them, and I was so glad that the bar was doing better. That also meant that I had a place to hang out with my boyfriend.
My boyfriend.
Aiden Connolly was my boyfriend.
And maybe later I would write his name in my notebook and put little hearts around it, little rainbows and circles.
“You okay over there?” Rocko asked, smiling at me.
I looked up at the offensive lineman and just grinned.
“I am doing wonderful.”
“New boyfriend then, Miss Knight?” He winked.
I rolled my shoulders back and glared at him. “I can have a wonderful day without a man in my life.”
“Oh, you totally can. And I know you do. You’re one of the best ones here at what you do. However, that glow on you? That’s love.”
I looked at Rocko.
“You’re not supposed to actually notice things like that.”
“Hey, my wife has been training me how to act around women and to see their moods since I was sixteen. I still sometimes miss when she gets a new pair of shoes or a different haircut, even though it looks like the exact same haircut she had before, but I try. However, I can read that mood, and that happiness comes from love.”
“You’re far too observant. And we need to be talking about your progress and not my love life.”
“But you have a love life, so praise be. And I’m sure my wife will be happy to hear that.”
I froze, looking at my paperwork. “Why on earth would your wife be happy about that?” Suddenly all these thoughts of his wife worrying that I was working with him and other things swamped me. Mostly because one of my other clients when I first started had had a very possessive wife who had tried to get me kicked out of the practice because she hadn’t liked my hands on her husband. The guy hadn’t minded, but since the wife had, I had moved on to different patients. Maybe I would have made a different decision now, but when I was starting out? I hadn’t wanted to deal with hurt feelings or anything that could get me fired.
Rocko quickly shook his head, his hands up. “Maddy likes you. You’re always nice to her when she comes in. And you answer her questions since I’m not the best at making sure I can help her figure out exactly what’s going on with me, or how to say it. Maddy just wants to see you married. She wants to see everybody married.” He grinned then. “She wants to see everyone pregnant, too. It kind of helps that we’re having one of our own.”
That made me smile and push all thoughts of whatever had happened before out of my head.
“You’re having a baby?”
“Took seven years of us trying and getting different fertility treatments and stuff, and it didn’t help that I wasn’t feeling up to it all the time if you know what I mean.”
I held up my hands. “You don’t need to explain further.”
“Hey, you’re sort of my doctor. You know what kind of meds they put me on and all that stuff. But, anyway, we are finally having a baby, and she is going to be here in about three months.”
“Wow, you really are along then.”
“Yeah, we didn’t want to say anything until she was really showing and we were out of the woods for that first set of worries. It’s not easy, you know?”
I thought about Allison losing the baby and how devastated Aiden still looked when he thought about it. He would always be devastated. Frankly, so was I. My best friends had lost their daughter, and there was nothing I could do about it.
“I know. Well, if there’s anything you need, like trying to work around your schedule with the new baby or something, let me know.”