Page 73 of Reckless With You
His mouth was on mine, and then I couldn’t think of anything else. He slid his hand between us, his thumb over my clit again, and I came, clamping down around him. He growled out my name as he slammed into me once more, this time my back digging in to the dirt below us. And when he came, he rolled to his back, completely missing the nest so he was on the hard dirt in a Colorado winter. And yet I rode him to completion, his hands on my breasts and my hips and then his mouth on mine again.
I whispered his name, feeling happy, a bit more whole.
Because this was okay. This didn’t have to mean anything but what it was. Happiness. That’s all it had to be.
As Tucker held me, as he made me laugh, I swallowed hard, worried that I was doing the one thing I shouldn’t.
And I suddenly realized that I hadn’t loved Tobey.
Not in truth.
But I was well on my way to falling for Tucker.
Chapter 15
I actually hadthe full day off today, so I planned to clean my house and probably head over to Amelia’s later.
I didn’t know why that made me so excited, but maybe it needed to be.
I was probably making a mistake when it came to her, but I didn’t think either of us was backing away anytime soon.
I didn’t know what I felt for her, but I didn’t think it was only a fake relationship, a beard, or even just friendship anymore.
That worried me, especially since I didn’t actually want this. I didn’t want a future with anyone. I wanted things to stay as they were. Because if they stayed that way, then no one would get hurt.
The doorbell rang before I could travel too far down those thoughts. I opened it, freezing as Devin strode past me, a glare on his face.
Oh, good. We were going to do this now. I probably deserved whatever happened, so I would deal.
But, Jesus Christ. I wish I had figured out what to say.
Or what Amelia wanted us to say.
Us? Since when were we anus?
“Hey, come right in,” I said, trying to keep my voice light.
“Don’t mind if I do.”
“So, what do you have in mind?” I asked as I closed the door. No need to let all the heat out in this type of weather. It was cold, stormy, and even though Christmas and the rest of the holidays were coming up, it sure didn’t feel like it in here.
I didn’t have the time to decorate, and I didn’t really want it most days anyway. I hadn’t had Christmas and all that growing up. Yes, I’d had a little bit of it with Devin and them, but not enough.
But I didn’t miss it. You couldn’t really miss what you’d never had. What you didn’t remember.
“So, you ever going to tell me why you’re lying?” Devin asked, apparently going straight for the punch.
I blinked, swallowing hard. “How’d you know?”
There was only one lie between us. Because I didn’t lie to him, ever.
But I had for Amelia. Why?
That was the question for the ages. And one I still didn’t have the answers to.
“I knew all along. We all did.”