Page 74 of Reckless With You
I let out a sharp laugh and ran my hand through my hair. “That’s good to know. Jesus Christ.”
“Yeah. That’s a really good reaction to that. Neither of you is a very good liar. And it was all a little too convenient how you were suddenly together right after Tobey did that to her.”
“Do you want to hit me?”
“No. I’d never hit the guy that my sister is with. I’m not that type of brother.”
“You mean a misogynistic prick who has to have a territory dispute around any woman that he claims is his?” I asked, trying to make a joke out of it.
Devin shook his head, his brows raised. “It’s not a misogynistic prick thing to want to take care of your own. But I also know she can make her own decisions. I just really wish I would’ve been able to kick Tobey’s ass because, apparently, he was not a good decision.”
“No. And I’d probably hold him down for you. Or have you hold my coat.”
“Good to know. So, why’d you do it? Why’d you agree to lie?”
“I don’t know.”
“That’s a good answer.” Devin laughed. “It’s because she asked you to, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Pretty much. She asked, and I didn’t want another reason to make her cry. So, I went along with it. But I shouldn’t have lied to you. Even if you saw right through it.”
“I’m glad you were there for her. We all tried to be, but I don’t think we were the right people for her. I think she needed someone a little bit removed from it. Mostly because I think it’s hard to trust the people that you love when someone else you loved fucks you over like that. So, don’t fuck with her. You get me?”
I stuck my hands into my pockets and nodded tightly. “It’s not fake now.” And that was the most honest thing I could say. Because whatever we were, Amelia and me, it wasn’t fake. Hadn’t been in a long while. Not that I knewwhatit was now. And not that I knew if it would lead to anything else. I couldn’t let it lead to anything.
But it wasn’t fake.
And that scared the shit out of me.
“I don’t want to hurt her, Devin.”
“Then don’t. You know, I know you’re a ladies’ man and all that shit.”
“Not really. Not like that. I never, ever hurt anyone.”
“I hope not.” Devin looked at me for a bit and then gave me a tight nod before coming closer and giving me a hug. Just a quick one, a couple of pats on the back as I tried to do the same to him. Then he took a few steps back.
“You’re like a brother to me, Tucker, I hope you know that.”
I swallowed, even though my throat felt thick.
“Apparently, Amelia was never a sister to you,” Devin said, laughing a bit.
“Apparently. I’m not going to hurt her.” I hoped I wouldn’t hurt her.
“Well, you better not. Because I haven’t been able to get to Tobey. And I think it would kill me to have to kill you. Just saying.”
“What about that whole giving her space so she can make her own decisions thing?”
“That was before she got hurt because I thought I was doing the right thing. And then some asshole had to be a douche to her. Who knows what else he said or thought when it came to her? I’ll never forgive myself for letting her get hurt.”
“Good. Figure out what it is the two of you are. If it’s casual, I don’t want to hear about the details,” he added quickly, and I smiled softly. “So, figure it out, and don’t hurt each other. Because you’re my family just as much as she is. And I don’t want either of you to end up hurt in the end.”