Page 46 of Far from Destined
“You get to see them. And eat with them. And play with them. But they won’t have that choice if you split them up.”
“Sometimes, there are playdates for animals,” Macon said, and I couldn’t help but stare in wonder as he spoke to my son. It was as if we were a family sitting here.
I had to squash this feeling within me, push it away. It wouldn’t be safe to rely on this. I might like it now, or at least like the idea of it, I didn’t know what exactly was happening between Macon and me. But I knew I had to be careful. And not just for me. Also for my son.
“Okay, boys, we need to get ready for the day.” I blushed as I realized what I’d said, completely ignoring what I had just thought to myself about keeping things at a distance.
Macon just winked at me and grinned. “We do need to get ready for the day. I have to head home, shower, and get changed.”
I swallowed hard. “Do you have scrubs in your car? You can use the shower here. That way, you don’t have to move the cats more than once.” I hadn’t even realized I’d said the words until he met my gaze, his eyes going a little dark. Crap. I was not doing well with this distance thing.
“I do. And as long as you’re okay with that, I don’t mind showering here.”
Oh, good, he was going to be naked in my house. And soapy. And washing himself. And…touching himself.
And that was enough of that train of thought. Especially when Macon was giving me a look that said he knewexactlywhere my thoughts had gone.
“Can he use my Avengers soap?” Joshua asked, nearly bouncing on his butt.
“I think he may need adult soap, unless hewantsto use your Avengers soap, baby.”
“I’m not a baby,” Joshua said again, and I held back a sigh. No, my son was not a baby anymore. But sometimes I wished I could still hold him in my hands like I could with the kittens currently cuddling into their mom’s side.
“Let’s get ready for the day. Because you need to go to school, and I am already running late. Again.”
Macon frowned and looked down at his watch. “I can drop him off,” he said.
I looked up at him, taken aback. “What?” I asked, my voice a little high-pitched.
“I can drop him off. It’s no big deal. His school is on my way to the clinic, and if I don’t have to go all the way back home, it makes more sense. If that’s okay with you.”
I could feel Joshua’s gaze darting between us, and I couldn’t say what I wanted to. That it would be too much. Too much like a family. Instead, I knew I should be grateful that I could lean on him.
I just didn’t need it to mean so much.
“That would be good. Very helpful. Pop isn’t opening today because she has a dentist appointment, so I need to get in ASAP.”
“Okay, then. Let’s make this work. You ready to go, Joshua?”
“I still need to get out of my pajamas. And eat breakfast. I want oatmeal.” He started oinking again, and I laughed, with Macon shaking his head. It felt…normal.
And I wasn’t used to that.
Somehow, the three of us got ready quickly, and I swallowed hard as I gave a spare key to Macon. They were planning to leave in the next twenty minutes or so, but I had to go right away. I didn’t know what I was doing, and I felt like I was making all of the wrong choices. But I couldn’t go back now. Not that I knew where I would end up.
“Thank you,” Macon said, meeting my gaze. “Thank you for trusting me.”
“I’ll always trust you with his safety, Macon.” Unsaid was what I couldn’t trust him with. I couldn’t hurt him any more than I likely already would.
He leaned closer, and I could smell my shampoo on him. Why was that so damn sexy? “Have fun at work today. Stay safe.”
Chills broke out over my arms at the thought of Adam lurking, but Joshua would never be alone today, and I would be in a public place. Adam wouldn’t hurt us. At least I didn’t think so. I just didn’t know what my ex’s plans were when it came to Joshua or me.
“Thank you again. Just lock up when you leave and keep my baby safe.”
I had to go, but then Macon tucked my hair behind my ear and gazed into my eyes. “I’ll take care of him. You take care of yourself.”
I wanted him to lean down and kiss me, brush his lips across mine, and tell me everything was going to be okay. And because I wanted that, I moved away, gave him a small smile that didn’t reach my eyes, then hugged my son tightly and left. I didn’t know why it hurt so much that I wanted how I’d felt this morning to be real—to last. And that I didn’t know what else I wanted. But I didn’t have time to worry about it or stress.