Page 47 of Far from Destined
I needed to open the café with Jason and get ready for the day. Jason was already at the shop since his day started earlier than mine, and we were both quiet as we prepared for customers and set up coffee and pastries.
The morning rush was intense, everybody seeming on edge for some reason, and I hoped it was just the weather change and finals and the like. But I was tired, and my brain was trying to work on a thousand different important things at once. Thankfully, Pop came in right before lunch, and the three of us worked hard from that point on, keeping up with everything.
The lunch rush came and went, and were finally able to take a break before the next swarm of orders. My feet hurt, and all I wanted to do was check on Joshua, even though I knew he was still in school and I shouldn’t.
“I’d love a double espresso when you have time.” Myra spoke from beside me. I jumped, looking over at her. “I didn’t see you come in,” I said, a little worried that I hadn’t. What else had I missed today?
I looked around as if Adam would jump out from some non-existent bushes or something, but he wasn’t here. And the others were on alert, as well. But we had been so busy, what if I had missed a clue or something important?
My heart raced as I tried not to let my thoughts lead me down dangerous paths, but I couldn’t help where they went. The school would have called me if something had happened to Joshua. I knew that. I just didn’t like that I felt as if I were missing something important or not doing everything I could.
“What’s wrong?” Myra asked as I went around the counter, and I hugged her tight.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m glad that you’re here, though.”
“I’m glad I’m here, as well. I really could use some coffee.”
“I’m on it,” Pop said.
I smiled over at her. “Thank you, but I’ve got it. We know somebody’s picky.”
Myra just rolled her eyes. “Knowing what you like is not being picky. It’s smart. And I enjoy Pop’s drinks. As well as Jason’s. The three of you have made my list.”
That made me snort. “And I take it that’s a good thing?”
My friend smiled. “I trust you three to make me wonderful concoctions. So, yes, let’s call it a good thing. Now, want to tell me what’s got that look on your face?”
That made me snort. “Which look, so I can figure out what you mean?”
“I’d say it’s worry. And would figure it’s about Adam, but perhaps it’s something else? Confusion?”
“Myra. This isn’t the best place to talk about this.”
“Ah, must be Macon, then.”
I narrowed my eyes, even though the sound of his name did something to me that I didn’t want to admit—even to myself. “I’m still angry at you for sending Macon over yesterday without my knowledge. I can get over the fact that Nate was there without me knowing, considering he came to keep you safe. But you called Macon over. As if he’s part of my life no matter what and has a say in what I do.”
“First,” Myra started, holding up a finger, “Nate was there because he is protective, but not of me. Of you and your son. Nate has nothing to do with me.”
I gave her a look but let the lie pass. “Myra, you had no right to contact Macon.”
“I had every right,” Myra said softly. “Sometimes, you need to share the load. Even when it hurts.”
I shook my head. “You don’t get to make those kinds of choices for me.”
“Your friends are trying to help you. I called Macon because you wouldn’t have. He’s not trying to take over your life. He’s not attempting to take your son from you. But we both know that somebody might.”
“Myra,” I whispered.
“I know. It hurts. It’s horrible. But it’s the truth. So, you and me? We’re going to figure this out. Along with everybody else. But I called Macon because you wouldn’t have, even though you needed to. Somewhere, deep down, you knew you wanted him to be there. And you may hate me for it, but I will always take care of you.”
“I hate that you may be right.”
“I’m your best friend. I’m always right.”
That made me snort. “I don’t know what’s going on between Macon and me,” I whispered.
We were off to the side where nobody could hear us, but I still felt like eyes were on me. Was it Adam? Or was it just the normal busybodies of Boulder, Colorado?