Page 67 of Last Minute Fiancé
“Am I really that transparent?”
“Of course not. But it is a little weird. I’m really sorry that you never got to meet Ashleigh, because I think you guys would have been friends.”
I glared at him. “I don’t know about that.”
“Honestly, Devney reminds me a little of her sometimes.”
My eyebrow shot up. “Really? You never said that.”
“Just in some of her mannerisms, but she was her own person, just like you and Devney are your own people. Paisley too, but I always feel weird about bringing her up, considering her and August.”
I nodded, completely understanding. August and Paisley were getting along as well as they could, but there was still something there. Or maybe I just wanted something there so it would complete our friendship set nicely. But Paisley was still in a serious relationship with Jacob, and I wasn’t going to broach that subject.
“Anyway, Ashleigh’s parents just wanted to give us a gift, to make sure that I knew that they were happy for me. It’s been years, Addison. I’m really okay, you know. I love being here and I’m really excited to be a dad and try to not screw up this child’s life. I mean, I don’t really have a great track record when it comes to parents; thank God your parents know what they’re doing.”
I shook my head and laughed, warmth filling me. “My parents are pretty great. And I’m really glad that your parents haven’t stopped by. I know that’s mean, but I am really happy about that.”
They had not contacted us at all since hearing about the pregnancy. I knew Luca had no idea what they were doing, or even if they were back in town. It didn’t matter. Because this kid, whoever they may be, was going to have a huge family no matter what.
“I’m glad that you and Ashleigh’s parents seem to be finding your new path.”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever speak to them again. Not that I wouldn’t want to, just that they’re from a different chapter of my life, one that’s closed. And they’re very happy with their grandkids and their kids. And Ashleigh’s always going to be part of my memories, but I’m looking forward to the future. With the two of you.”
I wanted to say something, wanted to tell him that I loved him, and this seemed almost like the perfect time.
Thiswasthe fucking perfect time.
“Help me stand up?” I asked. Because I didn’t want to be sitting when I finally did the one thing I should have done months ago.
Tell him what I felt.
He frowned as he helped me stand, still shirtless and wearing those gray sweatpants that just did everything to me.
“Luca,” I said just as an odd snapping sound echoed through my brain.
Warmth spread through me again, but this time it was different. It didn’t hurt, it was just weird, and then wetness slid between my legs, and I let out a shocked gasp, staggering back as Luca gripped my arms and looked between us.
“Oh my God,” he said quickly.
“Luca. My water.”
“Holy hell. Okay. I know what to do. I have the phone tree. Or the group chat. And I need a shirt. Let me get a shirt. You stand right there.”
Before I could panic, because he was clearly panicking for the both of us, he let out a deep breath, cupped my face, and kissed me.
Tears pricked my eyes as he leaned back and looked at me.
“The baby’s coming. I can’t wait.” And then he leaned down, kissed my belly, and ran off, presumably to go start our birth plan. I put my hands over my stomach, feeling the back pain that I had been ignoring throughout most of the day.
“Welcome home, baby. Let’s do this.”
Because I was about to have a baby with my best friend.
The panic over that finally started to hit.