Page 68 of Last Minute Fiancé
“Are you sure you’re doing okay? I can go get you some more ice chips.”
Addison sat up, her hands on her belly as she breathed slowly in and out. Her hair, which had grown a bit longer over the past few months, was now braided back into two French braids and twisted somehow in the back so it was all away from her face. She looked so damn pretty, even with her red nose and glaring eyes. I knew she was in pain, and was just as scared as I was, but I had a feeling she was handling this far better than me.
Which meant I needed to get my ass into gear and not screw up.
“I don’t need any ice chips. If you want to keep pacing, you’re welcome to do that. I know that helps sometimes.”
“I feel like I heard sarcasm in that tone.”
“Oh, there was plenty of sarcasm in that tone. I’m fine. I’m just sitting here, wondering when this baby is going to be pushed out through my vagina. Which apparently is going to hurt more than the lower back pain and contractions already hurt.”
I sat down in the chair next to her and took her hand, rubbing her palm with my thumb. “So you had no idea you were in labor?” I asked, still confused.
I had grabbed the bag and everything we had prepped while Addison texted the group chats. Paisley and Devney were going to handle everything on that end after that, according to our birth plan, so all I had to do was make sure I had everything in the car, including Addison.
The fact that I’d almost forgotten Addison at the house notwithstanding. She stood at the front door as I had packed everything in the car, just giving me a look.
I blushed, double checked we had our phone chargers, and then we were in the car and heading towards the hospital.
Now we were sitting in our room, both of us waiting for this next part of this adventure.
No, this wasn’t stressful at all.
“No, I didn’t. I just had back pain. I’ve been uncomfortable this entire pregnancy because I haven’t been able to go out and do what I want, like baby yoga or whatever else pregnant women do. I’ve been at the house watching you prep the nursery. Watching you paint the walls and get everything ready. I sat down in that same armchair I’ve been stuck in for months, even during my baby shower as my best friends brought everyone to me and I wasn’t allowed to lift a finger. And now we’re here and it’s all coming to an end and yet something huge is beginning and I’m really stressed out.”
I leaned forward and cupped her face with my free hand, my other one still holding hers.
“Do you want me to tell you that you’ve got this? That you are strong and capable and no matter what you can handle it? Because you know that, Addison. You are the most fierce and competent and strong and beautiful woman that I know. I’ve loved watching you thrive in this, even though this wasn’t the plan you had when you thought about having a kid. But you’ve got this. And I’m going to be right beside you.”
“You’ve been beside me this whole time, you know. It’s a little daunting.”
I raised a brow. “I’m daunting?”
“Maybe? But it’s more the fact that you’re here. And I never doubted you would be. Which is probably something I should worry about.”
I leaned forward and took her lips, pressing my forehead to hers as we each rested for a moment.
“I think another contraction’s coming.”
She squeezed down on my hand as she breathed out like we had practiced during our class, the midwife having come to the house to work with her.
I hated that I hadn’t been able to get her out of the house more while still making sure she was safe. I was a doctor, but not for people. I wasn’t able to do much for her, and I hated that.
She had been on bedrest for two trimesters and hadn’t been able to have the pregnancy she deserved. But it was the pregnancy that she had gone through, was going through, so I held her hand through the contraction, and wiped away her tears and sweat, and let her curse me out.
“I hate you, you know,” she growled, running her hands over her stomach.
“I hate myself too. This is all my fault.”
“It really is. I mean, seriously? Why does your sperm have to be so amazing?”
“I feel like I came into the room at the wrong time,” Paisley said, and I burst out laughing.
“You really did.”
“So I take it everything’s normal?”
“As normal as you can be for the fact that I’m only four centimeters dilated.”