Page 29 of Crave
He hesitated. “No. Not yet. I started to kiss her and she pulled back. I could tell she was into it but looked all guilty and shit. Told me she was seeing someone else. That’s why I called you guys.”
His face tightened. His blue eyes iced with sheer determination and something else, something almost diabolical.
“I need you to help me find out who it is so I can ruin him.”
Chapter Fifteen
Listen to Jealous
by Labrynth
In rising horror, I stared at Max. My head felt heavy and I blinked hard, as if awakening from a deep dream, trying desperately to remember what had happened.
There was no way I would have slept with Max or invited him into my bed. Sure, I was tired and foggy last night, but I hadn’t been drunk or taken pills so I had no idea how he ended up here.
“Hey, baby,” he said in a sleep-roughened voice. His blue eyes filled with heat and a familiar love that dragged me into the past. His chest was bare and his muscles flexed as he shifted position, propping himself onto his elbow. “How are you feeling?”
“What are you doing here?” I tried to screech, but the words came out husky.
He smiled, flashing white teeth. “You don’t remember? You asked me to stay last night.”
I grit my own teeth, crawling to the edge of the mattress. I frantically patted down my body, relieved I was still clothed. “No, Max! What the hell are you doing in my bed? You were supposed to stay on the couch!”
Hurt crossed his features. “You had a nightmare. I heard your scream and came to check on you. When I tried to go back to the living room, you begged me to stay, so I climbed in bed with you.”
“Oh, my God, this is not happening,” I whispered, searching my brain for any type of memory. But I drew a complete blank. “I swear, if you’re lying, and used this as some excuse to try to fuck me, I’ll kill you.”
His look of shock seemed genuine. He sat up, the sheet falling to his hips, leaving him bare to my gaze. Thank God, he was wearing his pants. “Landon, I would never do something like that. Especially after last night. You asked me to sleep with you because you got freaked out. Nothing else happened. I’d never take advantage of you.”
His voice rang strong and clear. I studied him carefully, but his gaze met mine with a sense of outrage, and I finally relaxed. Holy hell, that was scary. I must’ve been deep into sleep not to remember any of it. I couldn’t believe Max would ever lie to me like that. Yes, he’d cheated, but this was completely different. We’d moved forward. We were friends. If he was that diabolical to climb into my bed on the pretense of me calling out to him, then I’d truly never known the real Max.
“Okay. I’m sorry, I just don’t remember and I’m not comfortable.” I hesitated briefly. “Nothing happened, right?”
He shook his head. “I could’ve easily kissed you. You were very clingy. But I wouldn’t cross that line. Ever.”
I offered a weak smile. “I didn’t think so. I guess the event affected me more deeply than I thought.”
“Makes sense. I can’t imagine how vulnerable you felt. I’m glad I could help.” He gazed at me for a while. “Really? We slept together for over a year and you’re acting like I’m a stranger.”
Unease settled over me. “It’s weird now. We don’t have that type of relationship anymore.”
“Do you think one day we could?” he asked softly.
I froze, suddenly feeling like a lamb to the slaughter. I’d suspected he still wanted to get back together after he confessed he still loved me. But now, we were circling dangerous territory and he was half naked in my bed. “No, Max. It’s over for good. I need you to know that.”
I waited for a fight, or him to push back, but he only nodded. “I understand. Just wanted to make sure.” His half grin was charming and self-deprecating. “Had to try.”
I took the opening to get out of bed and quickly don a robe. “I’m surprised you’re not dating someone else. Half of the staff at Red are in love with you, waiting for you to get clear,” I joked.
“Not ready yet. How about you? Is that why you freaked on me?”
His question seemed light and casual. I struggled for a few moments, wondering if I should be honest, then decided it was a good idea to give him a warning. Before I told him it was Adam. “Actually, I am.”