Page 30 of Crave
He cocked his head. “Really? Wow, I didn’t realize. Anyone I know?”
I skipped over the question and turned my back. “I need coffee. Want some?”
“Sure.” The covers rustled and he was trailing behind me. “You didn’t answer my question. Afraid to bring him around?”
I focused on the Keurig and ingesting massive amounts of caffeine. “Not ready yet. We’re working some things out, but then I’ll let everyone know.”
“Mysterious. Well, as long as he makes you happy.”
“He does.” I glanced over but he seemed both curious and genuine. Maybe Max realized unconsciously we weren’t good together and he needed to know I was truly moving on. Usually, he was crazy jealous and would lose easily lose him temper knowing another man was circling me. He didn’t look like he was secretly seething.
“Then I support you. We shared a lot together, Landon. I want to know we can move forward and always be friends. You’re an important part of my life and I never want to lose you. Okay?”
I smiled. “Yeah. Okay.”
“How about I make those pancakes you love?”
I bit my lip. It was still a bit weird, especially since Adam didn’t know anything about what happened last night, but I planned to see him tonight and would tell him everything. “Sure, sounds good.”
Max winked and got to cooking breakfast. I poured us both coffee and we chatted for a good hour, going over last night’s events and sharing opinions on what to do next. If anything.
Finally, he brought up work. “What’s happening withDumped? Signed the contract?”
“Tomorrow. My agent delayed things, and I started doubting if I should take the role.”
He lifted a brow. “Wait—why would you pass that up? This is everything you’ve been working for. Your platform will explode!”
“I know, but will it explode in the wrong way? I’m worried the producers want to script this story for me that won’t be good for my career.” I gave him the summary of how they wanted me toplay up the love interest for one of the guys, and pigeonhole me as the ditzy blonde.
A frown creased his brow as he forked up the last of the pancakes. “What did Elle say?”
“That it could go either way. But she’d do it.”
“Landon, you have to do it. No matter what their agenda is, you can use this show in your own way. Spin it on your socials. Show the world what you’re really made of. This is only the door opening so you can create what you want.”
Max’s words beat through me with hope. I’d been seriously thinking of pulling out, especially with Adam’s invitation on my mind. Now, I began to wonder if it’d be a mistake. I could potentially do what I needed no matter what the producers wanted. “Yeah, that’s true. I never really thought of that.”
He reached out and squeezed my hand. “You’re a badass, Landon. Own it and show the world what you’re made of. I’ll be cheering from the sidelines.”
I nodded. “Thanks, Max. I appreciate the support.”
“Of course. I think you’ll handle the attention better than Adam. You’ll take the opportunity and create something good out of it.”
I stilled, trying to calm my beating heart. What made him mention Adam? I tried to keep my voice casual. “What do you mean? I thought Adam was doing really well. He’s excited about LA.”
Max rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah, he’ll kill it out there. But it’s different. You knew exactly what you wanted from being an influencer, or model, or any type of career in media. Adam likes to lie to himself. Spins his role as an artist—a writer—almost like he’s above all of us. He spent all his time sneering at the idea of singing, and now he’s not only the lead of a band, he’s traveling the world and cutting an album as part of Unison. It’s not abouthim anymore, he’s part of the band. He’s gotta stop pretending he’s more and own it.”
I didn’t know how to respond to Max’s strange statement. Max and Adam’s friendship had a ton of ups and downs—they fought more than him and Coop and Max had called Adam an arrogant ass many times. But when we were together and I tried to diss him, Max always stuck up for Adam, begging me to be nice. Touting his coolness and good heart. All the time, I was trying desperately to hate Adam because I wanted him so bad.
But now? I sensed a darker, meaner tone as Max spoke about his friend.
“Adam is an artist,” I said carefully. “He writes songs. He never wanted to sing them, but he’s taking the opportunity in hopes it happens later on. Just like I’m taking this opportunity. We’re doing the same thing.”
He shook his head slowly, as if amused. “I know you never liked Adam and I always defended him. And he’s my friend—one of my best friends. But lately, I’m starting to see things differently. It’s kind of what you’d been telling me all along. I mean, the way he pretends he’s got things more together than the rest of us? It’s getting old. He gave us this song and dance about joining Unison as a sacrifice. Like he was lowering himself and doing Unison a favor. But you should see him out there now. He fucking loves it. He’s playing the role of rockstar to the max.”
I blinked. “Is it wrong to enjoy the benefits of being up on stage?”
“No. I think he’s lying to himself about how much he adores being the center of attention. And the women? You thought he was a whore before?” Max chuckled. “Hell, he’s hooking up with anyone who gives him side eye.”