Page 69 of An Alien for Her Heart
“I’ve secured the rope to the well shaft, Kari. I will still attempt to pull your mate up.”
“I’ll help too,” Donna eases back and the rope sways as if she grabs hold of it with Xarion. “Whenever you’re ready, big guy, send your sweetheart up.”
Varek’s eyes narrow as if he doesn’t trust either of them with my wellbeing. Grumbling under his breath, he boosts me up to grab the rope, making sure I have a secure hold before reluctantly letting me go.
With a grunt of effort, Xarion and Donna start hauling me up. I try to help as much as I can, walking my feet up the slick walls, but my limbs are stiff and uncooperative after so long in one position.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I’m heaved over the lip of the hole, collapsing onto the sun-warmed grass with a gasp of relief. Xarion offers me a hand up, which I accept gratefully, wincing as my cramped muscles protest the sudden movement.
No sooner have I gained my feet than Varek is surging up out of the well under his own power, using only the rope and no one else’s help.
“Well, damn. Color me tickled,” Donna breathes as Varek lands in a predatory crouch, his eyes immediately seeking me out, assessing me for any sign of injury or distress.
Seeing that I’m unharmed, he rises to his full, imposing height, turning to face Xarion. The two males regard each other warily, the air between them practically crackling with tension.
“Thank you for your assistance,” Varek says stiffly, the words sounding like they’re being dragged out of him. A slight frown creases my brow. He isn’t usually like this. But then, he was a bit annoyed with the Raki, too. Only, Xarion hasn’t done anything to harm me. “We are in your debt.”
Xarion adjust his collar. “It’s not the first time I’ve had to come to you and your siblingkin’s assistance. You Kari and these humans…” He shakes his head before turning away. He moves over to the lever I’d pulled that opened the hole in the first place, and activates it. Once more the covering slides over the hole, the tufted grass above it making it blend in like it’s not even there.
“Remind me not to touch this thing again.” I shake myself, a shudder going through me until I feel eyes on me. My gaze shifts to Donna and I hold back a laugh at her expression, feigning annoyance instead.
Donna’s eyes are practically sparkling with mischief as she looks me over, her gaze zeroing in on my torn clothing and my overall ‘freshly-bedded’ look. She sidles up to me, throwing an arm around my shoulders and giving me a conspiratorial squeeze. “You know, at this age, I thought I was past being scandalized by anything. But you two young’uns are giving me a run for my money!”
“It really isn’t what it looks like.”
Donna laughs. It’s a full head-thrown-back belly laugh that puts me to shame. Because it is exactly what it looks like. I just had sex with an alien in a well and it was the best time of my life.
“Come, Catherine Richmond. You look like you need a rest.” Xarion reaches for my other arm, ready to assist me inside when a growl cuts through the air causing both Donna and Xarion to freeze. Xarion’s long ears twitch nervously as he quickly withdraws his hand from my arm. Even Donna looks momentarily startled, her eyes going wide as she glances between me and my glowering mate.
Confused, I pause walking toward the lodge to look back at Varek. What I see has my heart giving a heavy thump in my chest. He doesn’t…he doesn’t look right.
Varek is snarling, his brow drawn, and his complete focus is on Xarion, even after I call his name.
“Varek?” He doesn’t budge. His claws form fists at his side even as he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head. I step toward him even as Xarion moves to block my path.
“Tell me, Catherine Richmond. How long has he been like this?”
I shake my head, not really seeing Xarion as I look around him and attempt to move toward Varek again. Xarion doesn’t let me, using an arm to block me.
“Like what?”
But even as I ask, I can see that Varek looks different. Pinker than usual. As if his scales are changing color.
“Kari, are you…”
“No,” Varek growls, shaking his head again. He opens his eyes and his gaze finds me immediately. “It’s not that.”
Xarion’s shoulders sag as he removes his arm from where he’d been blocking me. “Well, let us get the females inside. They both need to rest. Donna Johnson from the journey here and Catherine for having spent the dark cycle in such conditions.”
Varek nods, his gaze still on me and my eyes linger on his as Xarion directs me and Donna to the house.
Once we get inside, I collapse on a stool by the table.
“You’ve done great with the place,” Donna breathes. “Mine is still barebones. I can’t wait till I can get it like this.”
I huff a laugh of appreciation through my nose, but I’m distracted. My gaze shifts back to the door. Varek hasn’t come inside yet. When more minutes pass and he still doesn’t appear, my fear grows. I rise from the stool, barely aware of Xarion and Donna in the kitchen preparing tea—with Xarion instructing that he’d ordered tea flasks to be sent in the packages for all new arrivals. Apparently, water isn’t needed for those as they’re premade. Meanwhile, Donna waves off Xarion’s explanation, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “Honey, I’ve been making tea since before you were a twinkle in your daddy’s eye,” shedrawls. “I think I can handle a little pre-packaged brew without supervision.”
Xarion bristles, his ears twitching indignantly. “I was merely trying to be helpful,” he sniffs. “Forgive me for assuming you might appreciate some guidance in navigating unfamiliar provisions.”