Page 70 of An Alien for Her Heart
Their banter fades into the background as I walk silently to the door. There’s a ball of something sour settling in the base of my gut. That feeling you get when you know you’re about to see or hear something that will set your world on fire.
I reach the door, my gaze shifting to the spot where I last saw Varek before we headed inside. He’s not there.
I take a step outside the door, more trepidation rising along my spine. That’s when I see him.
On all fours. His claws dig into the dirt, his muscles rippling beneath his scales that are definitely taking on a pinkish hue now.
“Varek?” I call out again, moving to go to him despite the sour feeling of dread growing in my stomach.
Before I can take more than a couple steps, a strong hand grabs my arm, yanking me back. I whirl to see Xarion, his red eyes wide with alarm.
“Don’t. You mustn’t go near him right now.” He may look like a tall white rabbit person, but he’s stronger than he looks. With little effort, Xarion tugs me back towards the house.
I struggle against his grip. “Something is wrong with him! Something’s happening—”
“It’s the rut.” Xarion’s voice is tight as he all but drags me inside. “Neither of us are safe here.”
My heart stops, my gaze sliding back to Varek a moment before Xarion pulls the door closed. He releases me then, pressing his back against it, his chest heaving and his eyes wide.“I didn’t think I would be dealing with this so soon again,” he murmurs.
His words fall on almost deaf ears as I rush to the window. Varek is still on all fours, his head hanging low as he visibly trembles. It looks like he’s struggling to maintain control, to keep his wits about him.
“Oh no…” I whisper. Or, oh yes? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to feel right now. All I know is that Varek is in trouble. Varek needs me.
“Let me out.” I turn back to the door but Xarion has plastered his body against it, his communicator in one hand as he desperately types out a message.
“Negative, human. I cannot put you at risk of death. The Initiative forbids it.”
“I don’t care about the blasted Initiative. Varek is in trouble! He’s in pain.”
“On the contrary, you’re the one who will be in pain if I let him in here.” His ears fall flat behind his head. “And me. Gods. I’m the only male here. That Kari will rip me to shreds to get to you.”
My hands form fists at my sides, my patience growing thin. “Xarion…move.”
“As much as I wouldnotlike to be a meat shield between you and your fated, I must.” He stands taller, resolute, blocking my only exit. “You are not aware of what this bond means. Of what can happen if I let that Kari inside.”
I grit my teeth. “I do. He explained it to me.”
Xarion seems mildly taken aback, but his shoulders straighten anyway. “Did he tell you that Kari females sometimes die from the pressure of this mating ritual?”
“Say what now?” Donna steps out of the kitchen, mouth and eyes open wide.
I blink at Xarion. I didn’t know that. “We didn’t have the time to discuss it all.” But even hearing the words, I know deep down my decision is the same. I’m done keeping myself from moving on. From living.
“Let me go.” I walk up to him.
“Unfortunately, human—”
I grunt, trying to moving his stiff body. “Blast it!”
It’s no use. Xarion is like a solid block. I hurry back to the window at the same time that Donna comes up at my side. I hear her soft exclamation underneath her breath.
After a long, tense moment, Varek staggers to his feet. He sways unsteadily, shaking his head as if to clear it. Then, with what looks like a herculean effort, he turns and looks directly at me. My heart clenches. I need to go to him. And I know he will come to me. Only…he doesn’t. With one last lingering look, as if he wants to tell me the world in that one glance, Varek turns in the other direction, stumbling as he heads toward his hover truck parked by the gate. The two oogas that Xarion and Donna must have ridden to my farm shift a few feet away from the drunk-looking Kari, giving Varek enough room to head around to the driver’s side of his vehicle.
I watch, my heart in my throat, as he fumbles with the door, finally managing to haul himself inside. The engine roars to life and within seconds, the truck is speeding away, kicking up a cloud of dust in its wake.
I stand there stunned. My heart breaking. For a few moments, I can only stare at the cloud of dust left in his wake, the entirety of my world seeming to freeze and come to a standstill around me.