Page 73 of An Alien for Her Heart
Beside me, Xarion has been peppering me with questions about Varek’s rut for the entire ride, his brow furrowed in contemplation. But I can barely focus on his words, my mind consumed with thoughts of Varek. Is he okay? Will I reach him in time? Will our love be enough to see us through this?
I’m jolted out of my thoughts by Xarion’s next question, his tone unusually hesitant. “Catherine, I must ask…has Varek ever been in contact with your lifeblood?”
I blink, mildly surprised by the unexpected query. “No. Why would…” But then my memory twinges. Memory of Varek soothing the wound on my forehead comes back clear as day. The sensation of his tongue on my skin. How he rumbled with pleasure and teased me about consuming me. It all comes back. Something hurts deep inside me. I want to see him like that again. I want to see him well.
“Yes, actually. He has. Why?”
Xarion’s ears twitch, his expression turning pensive. “I have a theory,” he says. But he doesn’t continue and I’m too distracted to push him to. Because the town is just ahead.
I lean forward, pushing the ooga to go faster as it barrels down the road. Beings already on their way to whatever task they have for the day, step out of our way as we hurry into the town square.
“Do you know where—” Xarion begins, but I’m already nudging the ooga toward Varek’s dwelling. The ooga responds to my urgent commands, veering down the narrow street that leads to Varek’s home. My heart pounds in my chest as we draw closer, a mixture of fear and desperate hope swirling in my gut.
Please let him be okay, I pray silently. Please let me not be too late.
We skid to a halt outside Varek’s dwelling, the oogas snorting and stomping their feet as I leap to the ground. I barely register Xarion’s startled shout behind me as I race towards the door, my entire being focused on one thing and one thing only.
“Catherine Richmond,” Xarion calls, and I turn to find him watching me with a sort of resigned respect. “I can go no further.”
I nod, my throat tightening.
“May the gods be with you.”
I nod again, holding those words close as I push the door open and head into the building.
I remember my way. After all, I spent one of the best nights of my life within these walls. Heading to the end of the corridor, I stand before Varek’s door, my heart beating hard in my chest.
I take a deep breath, my hand hovering over the door. A part of me is terrified of what I might find on the other side, of what state Varek might be in. But a larger part, the part that loves himwith every fiber of my being, knows that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
Gathering my courage, I pound my fist, my knock echoing on the other side.
There is silence, and for a moment, I wonder if I’ve come to the wrong place. What if he ran off somewhere else?
The potential of that makes me unsettled and I knock again, calling his name this time. “Varek? Are you in there?”
That’s when I hear a sound behind the door. Directly behind it, as if he’s right up against the surface, listening to me.
I press my forehead to the strange material, my breaths coming hard from the intense journey or probably from the swell of emotions within me.
“It’s me…Catherine. Will you? Will you open the door for me?”
I can’t hear much, but I swear I hear a rustle on the other side. He’s in there. I’m sure of it. But he’s not opening the door.
“I’m not afraid, Varek. I…I want this. I want us. I want to try.”
Another rustle, but he still does not open. Is he really that afraid of hurting me? Eleanor has a Kari mate. She’s as happy as ever. The rut can’t bethatbad. Varek must just be overly concerned that I’ll break or something. But I’m stronger than that.
I pound my fist on the door again. My voice rises a little higher than before. “Open up or I’ll find a way in.”
When there’s a sound behind me and another door down the corridor opens, my fist pauses midway in the air.
For a moment, I think I’m seeing double. But the Kari that steps out from about three doors down is not my Varek. He has similar green hair, similar yellow eyes, but his hair is shaved at the sides, and he is tall, but not as tall as Varek.
“Need some help, little female?” he purrs, his gaze heightening on mine the moment he seems to recognize me.“You are one of the new females who has found a mate with my kind.” Something rises in his gaze that makes me completely aware he is male and of the fact I’m wearing ripped clothing. “I am Tovan of the line Kamesh, and I would be happy to assist—”
A deep growl chills the air as the door before me opens. I only have a moment to gasp before I’m pulled inside Varek’s room and the door slides shut once more. He bolts the door and I only get a moment where his sweet scent almost overwhelms me before he’s gone. He disappears from beside me, his absolutely scorching touch leaving my arm. Only the brush of air and movement tells me he’s put himself on the other side of the room.