Page 78 of An Alien for Her Heart
Carefully, so carefully, I gather her into my arms and rise from the bedding, carrying her like the precious treasure she is. Pieces of the bedding material become displaced and I get a view of the beast I was. I’ve destroyed the sleeping material, evidence of my claws ripping through the fibers clear as they scatter with my movement. And that’s not all.
I swallow hard against the lump in my throat as I take in the destruction surrounding us. It’s not just the bedding that bears the marks of my savagery. The walls are gouged with deep claw marks, the metal table beside the bed is dented and twisted out of shape, as if struck by a powerful blow. Shattered remnants from other fixtures crunch underfoot, and even the flooring bears damage.
Everywhere I look, there is evidence of the violence that transpired here, the uncontrolled fury of my rutting. It’s like a scene from a nightmare, a testament to the monster that lurks beneath my skin. What’s worse? I recall none of this.
Catherine makes a soft sound, drawing my attention back to her. She loops her arms around my neck, resting her head against my shoulder. Carefully adjusting my hold on her, I usemy body to shield her from the worst of the destruction as I carry her towards the bathing room.
But I can’t shield myself from the knowledge of what I’ve done. The room looks like a battlefield, like a place where a vicious, brutal struggle took place. I clench my jaw against the wave of self-recrimination that crashes over me. I did this. I let the animal inside me run rampant. I let it loose on the one person in the universe I should protect above all others.
The bathing room, thankfully, seems to have escaped the worst of my rampage. There are a few cracks in the tiled walls, a shattered mirror, but it’s largely intact.
Setting my mate gently on a bench, I move to fill the sunken tub, making sure the water is the perfect temperature before adding soothing oils and salts I’d shamelessly bought and left here sols ago just for this purpose. Just in case. I don’t know whether to thank the old me or be disgusted in my yearning, but I can’t deny that despite my shame, there’s an undercurrent of warmth going through me. I have a mate. I have found mykahl. And within me, a song sings.
The fragrant steam rises, filling the room with a calming scent as I turn to face my female. Moving over to her, I lift her once again, taking care to hold her gently so I don’t upset any of her bruises.
Slowly, I lower her into the warm, scented water. She sighs in bliss as it envelops her, her eyes fluttering shut.
With utmost gentleness, I bathe her, cleansing her skin of the evidence of our joining. I stroke reverent digits over every bruise, every mark, silently vowing to replace each one with the tender brush of my lips as soon as she’s healed.
She is pliant and trusting beneath my hands, a precious gift I will never take for granted. I wash and condition her mane, gently combing out the tangles until it floats on the water like strands of liquid silk.
When she is clean and relaxed, languorous in the steaming water, I leave her for a moment. Hurrying to the sleeping quarters, I strip the bedding material and replace it with fresh clean sheets. Hurrying back to the bathing room, I stop in the doorway.
She looks like a goddess, reclining in the steaming water, her skin flushed pink from the heat, her damp mane clinging to her shoulders and floating around her. Creeping closer, I am silent. I don’t want to wake this delicate human female who has become the center of my universe.
I watch her for a few moments before she stirs, her low lids opening to find me. She smiles again and my core-beat stops. But I am no longer silent. My core-rhythm vibrates with a strength I could have only imagined. Catherine smiles up at me and I know this is all I ever wanted.Sheis all I ever wanted.
Lifting her out, I wrap her in a clean swathe of fabric, patting her dry. Then I carry her back to our sleeping quarters. I settle her on the fresh bedding and Catherine releases a contented sigh.
The meal preparation area is thankfully untouched. I head to that room and begin preparing something to eat. Retrieving a tray I fill it with fruits, meal squares, fresh, dried meat, and sweet, pulpy juice. Settling beside her, I hand-feed her morsels, coaxing her to eat and drink her fill. She accepts each bite from my claw, taking everything except the dried meat with gusto, her eyes soft and trusting. And as I tend to her, caring for her as she deserves, I feel the tight knot of self-loathing in my chest begin to ease. I cannot change what I’ve done…but I can work every day to be the male she deserves, to cherish and protect her as mykahl.
Satiated at last, she curls into my side with a contented sigh, her eyes already heavy with impending sleep. I gather her close, marveling at the way she fits so perfectly against me. She hasalways been the other half of me. Always. And in this perfect, tranquil moment, with my love safe in my arms, I finally allow myself to believe that, just maybe, the ancestors knew what they were on about.
That two broken creatures can find completion—and absolution—in each other.
For I have found my kahl. I have found my mate.
I am finally whole.
We spend a few days at Varek’s place. During those precious days, we exist in a bubble of peaceful intimacy, learning each other anew. Varek is attentive and tender, his every touch a wordless apology, a silent pledge. He bathes me, feeds me, holds me as if I am the most precious thing in his universe. And in those moments, cocooned in his fierce, gentle love, I feel cherished down to my very bones.
But reality can only be held at bay for so long.
When there’s a hard knock at his door, coupled with frantic muffled voices, I know our time of peace in our little world is over.
Varek groans as he heads to the door, fastening the pants he’s hastily pulled on before he disengages the lock.
“For frakk’s sake, you live?!” Zynar’s voice booms both into the room and down the corridor.
“Zynar,” I hear Eleanor’s calming voice. “Look. He looks okay.” Then her voice dips. “Does that mean…”
Varek lets out a groan as he shifts to the side, gaze meeting mine as he lets them in. Immediately, Eleanor grabs on to Zynar for support. “Whoo, it’s dark in here.”
I chuckle. “I guess we forgot to open the curtains.” Sitting on Varek’s couch, I adjust his large shirt that I’m wearing.