Page 79 of An Alien for Her Heart
Eleanor’s eyes widen as they land on me and I can tell her first instinct is to rush over and give me a hug. I grin. She’s always been trying to be my friend and I’d been so resistant to it. Resistant to everything because I was so afraid.
“What have you done to her?” Zynar growls, a frown on his brow as he regards me.
“Careful, brother. That’s my mate you’re talking about.” Varek closes the door and heads back to my side, shamelessly sitting on the floor between my legs and throwing his head back into my lap as he levels his gaze on his brother.
Both Zynar and Eleanor have identical looks of surprise.
“You completed the rut.” There’s a strange note of something in Zynar’s voice that I can’t quite place. But from the look in Eleanor’s eyes, it’s clear they had surmised that fact before they arrived. After all, Varek might not still be here if I hadn’t accepted his call.
With a suddenness that makes me jump, Zynar falls to one knee before me. Varek growls, but his bark has no bite.
“I am honored,” Zynar says, “to accept you as my kahlesta.” He lifts his head, his gaze meeting mine. “Thank you.”
My heart clenches, because I know exactly what he’s thanking me for. Thanking me for choosing his brother. Thanking me for accepting his love. For saving his life. If only he knew, it was no sacrifice on my part. Loving Varek is easy. I would do it all again, only for him.
Eleanor does a curtsy and a happy laugh bubbles in my throat.
“Oh stop it, you two.” I tangle my hands into Varek’s hair and he groans in unadulterated pleasure that makes my cheeks heat.
“We were worried,” Eleanor says quietly, clearly unperturbed by the groaning male between my legs. “When we couldn’t reach you…we feared the worst.”
Of course. A sense of guilt twinges within me. “I forgot all about my comm.”
“We tried Varek’s too.” Her gaze shifts to my mate.
My mate. It still feels so strange saying that. Strange but so right.
“I don’t know where it is,” Varek murmurs, his eyes rolled back as he accepts my gentle scalp massage like a content kitty cat.
At his words, their gazes shift around the room and I’m immediately glad we’re not in the bedroom for them to see the destruction there. I don’t even remember half of it happening. When I finally was able to look around, I couldn’t believe it. It’s no wonder Varek has been treating me like an egg he’s afraid will break. Ever so gentle. But what I see when I look at that room is the fact that even in the throes of the rut, he didn’t once harm me. Even mindless, he tried to be gentle with me. The room evidences it. Evidences what hecouldhave done.
“I apologize kahlesta…Zynar.” Varek pops one eye open. “I should have contacted you.”
“You should have,” Zynar growls.
Eleanor beams. “It’s all forgiven. You had other things on your mind.” Her gaze shifts back to me, full-on glee on her face.
As Zynar stands, he moves over to the table and pulls out a stool for Eleanor to sit on. She does so gracefully, a grin on her face as she looks at me. Zynar makes a sound in his throat then, one that’s almost like he clears it but not. Varek’s head pops up and he releases a heavy breath.
“Fine, brother.”
“Hmm?” Some kind of unsaid communication passed between them that I can’t parse.
“He wants to talk.” Varek rises then leans in to brush his lips against mine. “I’ll just be a moment, sura.”
I nod, immediately missing his warmth as he heads out the door, leaving me and Eleanor alone.
“So,” she begins.
“I know. This is…”
“Amazing!” She hops off the stool and plops on the couch beside me. “We’re like…sisters or something now.”
I laugh. “I guess we are. I never thought…”
Eleanor sobers a little and for a moment, I see behind her good mood. I see scars of a lifetime before. The same fears I faced. The same loss.
“Oh Eleanor…”