Page 80 of An Alien for Her Heart
She takes my hand. “Listen. I never thought either. But they are good men, Catherine. The best.”
A slow smile washes over my features as I stare into her eyes. Because I know it’s the truth. Even before she told me.
“How was the rut?” Eleanor whispers. “I brought an ointment…” She dips a hand in the pocket of her tunic and pulls out an ointment that looks exactly like the one the Raki gave me how long ago. “Got it from an elephant alien. Says it heals all wounds. I used it after…” Her cheeks grow warm. “Well, all I have to say is it’s good after the rut.”
She grins at me then and I laugh as I accept her gift. “Thank you. That’s really…that’s really thoughtful.”
I stare at the little canister for a few moments, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts.
“Eleanor, I’d like to apologize.”
Her eyes widen. “Whatever for?!”
I release a soft breath. “When I first came here, I didn’t even try to make friends with you. As a matter of fact, I was terrifiedof becoming your friend. I didn’t want to get close to anyone. Too scared of it all being taken away from me again, I suppose.” I pause. “Back on Earth, I had it all, as some would say. Money. Family. A thriving career. I was at the top of my game. I was strong. Until suddenly, I wasn’t anymore.”
“Oh dearie, you were abducted from the only planet you knew. We all were, and thrust into this world where we had no place. It’s only natural.”
I shake my head, my brow crinkling. “I know.”
“Listen.” Eleanor smiles. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. If coming here, finding Zynar, finding this—” She waves around herself. “It’s taught me that I don’t have to be strong all the time. I just have to keep on going.”
I nod, a genuine smile coming to my lips as I lean in and she accepts my hug. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. Thank them. These men that have come into our lives are…everything.”
I sniffle, still holding on to her. “They are. He is.”
“And now that there’s evidence that mating with a Kari will slow our aging I’m—”
I release her, easing back. “What?”
Eleanor giggles. “Sorry, you don’t know yet, do you? Xarion has been doing research, carrying out tests. I’ve been his loyal guinea pig, so to say.”
I blink, my eyelids fluttering. “What do you mean?”
Eleanor takes a deep breath before taking my hands in hers. “We’re not aging.”
My eyelids flutter again. “That’s…not possible. Is it?”
She shrugs. “At least I’m not, and it’s purely because of Zynar. Well…his…his uh…” her cheeks warm. “Let’s just say a regular exchange of a certain fluid is extending our lifespan to meet theirs.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “Are you saying…”
“They are very virile.” Eleanor grins. “Don’t resist it. Doctor’s orders.”
My expression must be so shocked that she bursts out with a laugh. “Oh goodness me. If your expression is like this, I can’t imagine what Donna’s will be like when she hears.”
My mouth falls open. “Oh dear. I left her at my farm when I ran after Varek. Is she okay?”
Eleanor waves a hand in dismissal. “Trust me, Donna’s great. She’s actually started a shop here in town.”
My eyebrows fly higher. “Wow, already?”
Eleanor shrugs. “What can I say, the lady is resourceful.”
I breathe out a surprised breath, nodding my head as I let everything Eleanor told me settle in my brain.
“There’s something else too,” she suddenly says, the tentativeness in her voice making my gaze slide back to her.