Page 13 of Payoff Pitch
She’s not wrong that she was struggling to keep up with my energetic daughter, but a little notice would have been nice. Her timing couldn’t be worse.
I immediately click on Fallon’s contact informationand press the call button. She answers right away. “Hey, Tan. I’m walking into my continuing education class. What’s up?”
Double shit. I forgot she’s been in New York City for a few days. Can this day get any worse? And it’s not even eight in the morning. Is it too early for a glass of whiskey?
“Hildy suddenly quit. No notice. She’s gone.”
I hear her blow out a long breath. “Oh no. Can you drop her at the Windsors’ house?”
“They’re in Italy for a few more days.”
“What about the Knights?”
“They both work. Dylan and Brandon go to camp during the day.”
Harper didn’t want to go to camp this summer because she’s playing competitive softball and said she needed the extra practice time. Seven-year-old competitive softball. I love her passion, but having her home necessitates constant coverage on the weekdays I have her.
“Right. My parents are still away. You’ll have to take her into your office.”
I feel my jaw tighten. “I have meetings all day today. Any chance you can come back early? I’ll pay for the car service to grab you right now.”
“Tan, it’s hard enough without her going to camp. I’ve crammed all my work commitments into the days you have her so I can be with her on my days. I have to get these hours in to maintain my certification. I’ll barely be home in time for her game tonight, and that’s only if I don’t hit traffic. I’m sorry.”
I’m silent, doing my best not to show my agitation. Not entirely at her, at the situation.
She sighs. “I know what you’re thinking. You make a lot more money than I do, you pay me alimony, and I’m not relieving you to get to yoursuperimportant meetings. Well, maybe being a physical therapist isn’t as big a deal as beingthe famous sports agent, Tanner Montgomery, but it’s important to me.”
My shoulders fall. I’m an asshole. “I’m sorry. You’re right. Don’t worry about it. She’ll come to work with me and Shannon will take over when I’m in meetings. It’s my responsibility. I’ll manage it.” It’s not ideal, but she can hang out with my secretary for a few hours today.
Her tone softens. “Okay. I’ll see if I can sign in and then sneak out after lunch to come to your office to get her. I’ll take her to an early dinner before her game tonight if I can.”
“That would be super helpful. Thank you. I’ll meet you guys at her game. And this way I don’t have to leave early to get her there in time for the warm-ups.”
“No promises. I’ll do my best. I’ll text you later and let you know.”
I end the call and yell upstairs, “Harper, pack a few books. We’re going to my office.”
She walks downstairs with a scowl on her face. “Where’s Humpback Hildy?”
I chuckle. “She’s not that bad.”
Harper scowls. “She’s a hundred years old, only likes to sit inside, moves like a turtle, and has breath that smells like egg. Rotten egg.”
I smile at my daughter. “Hildy isn’t going to be here anymore. She has some family obligations. Until I find a replacement, you’re going to have to come to my office.”
Her face falls. “Ugh. So boring.”
I wiggle my eyebrows as the subject of my first meeting occurs to me. “Not today. I have a meeting with Arizona Abbott. You’ll get to meet her in person, bug.”
Her eyes widen. “For real?TheArizona Abbott?”
I nod. “The one and only. She’s looking for representation. She might be my client.”
“Wow! Arizona might sign with you?”
I inwardly laugh. I represent most of the biggest stars in sports and she’s never been impressed. It’s Arizona Abbott who finally impresses my daughter. Perhaps I need to add more women to my list of clients. It will be good for Harper.