Page 139 of Payoff Pitch
Ripley walks into our bedroom in the two-bedroom suite Arizona rented for us and lovingly wraps her arms around Arizona. “I’m so happy for you. To think youspent our teen years staring at posters of Layton on your ceiling, and here we are all these years later with him being your forever.”
Arizona gives us one of her larger-than-life smiles. “I know. I’m so lucky. I feel like I live in a fantasy world sometimes.”
Ripley’s eyebrow raises. “He’s the lucky one, though neither of you are lucky when it comes to weather. I can’t believe how cold it’s gotten.” It’s been unseasonably cold this week. I’ve even had to battle a few icy roads.
Ripley walks over to the window and opens the curtains. “I hope the snow holds off. That would suck if people can’t get here.”
Arizona nods. “I don’t want snow at my wedding but wouldn’t mind nine inches on my honeymoon.”
We all laugh as we hear the front door of our suite open and close. A few seconds later, Gemma appears in the doorway looking like she just walked off a photoshoot. She shimmies for us. “You four ready to get your glam on?”
Kam narrows her eyes at Gemma. “Why do you look like you already got your glam on? The four of us are battling eye boogers, knotted hair, and morning breath while you’re ready to walk the runway.”
Gemma giggles. “I have a horndog husband who woke me early with a morning delight.” She winks. “My favorite way to start the day.”
Arizona smiles dreamily. “I hope after five years of marriage we’re just like you and Trey.”
Doesn’t everyone want a marriage like Gemma and Trey’s? I’m hit with a pang of sadness. I’ll never have that with Tanner. Maybe Kam is right and it’s time for me to accept it and completely move on from him. The truth is, I don’t look at other men. I don’t accept dates from other men. I know I’m only hurting myself, but the thought of not having Tanner in my life hurts more. I’m so torn.
I feel my sister grab my hand under the blanket. Shealways knows what I’m thinking. I look over at her and she nods. “It’s time to let go.”
I nod in agreement. Maybe it is.
We’re gettingour hair and makeup done when Ripley asks Gemma, “How did you and Trey meet? I’ve never heard the story. He played for New York then, right?”
My sister gives a knowing smile like she’s heard this story before. Weird.
Gemma nods. “It’s a crazy, long story. Almost unbelievable. I might write a book about it one day. The severely shortened version is that he saw me in a drunken social media video and swears he contracted an incurable case of love at first sight. He basically stalked me and weaseled his way into my life and then eventually into my heart. Before him, I spent a lot of lonely nights at home writing about the kind of men we all want, never truly believing men like that could be real. Let me tell you something. The swoony, sexy, romantic fictitious men have absolutely nothing on Trey DePaul. He’s every fantasy you can imagine come to life. There is nothing, I mean nothing, that man wouldn’t do for me. And they’re not just words. He shows it in his actions too. He fulfills every need of mine and then some. I’m so thankful for him and the life we have together.”
I clutch my heart. “That might be the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”
She gets a little emotional as she nods her head. “Every bit of it is true.”
Is it wrong that I want that too? I’m definitely barking up the wrong tree with Tanner. I’ll never find Mr. Right if I continue to spend time with Mr. Wrong.
After a day of glam that took an interesting turn into Gemma talking about a scene in her upcoming book with a car blow jobthat she said is one of the hottest she’s ever written, the ceremony is finally beginning.
The music starts playing and we’re getting paired off with our groomsmen counterparts. I don’t see him yet, but I can feel Tanner’s eyes on me. They light up my body in a way I can’t imagine anyone else ever doing for me. But maybe that’s because I’m not bothering to give anyone else a chance.
Kam takes Cheetah’s arm, and then I seehim. If Tanner Montgomery in his daily suits is sexy, Tanner Montgomery in a tuxedo is orgasmic. He’s truly the sexiest man I’ve ever seen in my life. I struggle to imagine ever being attracted to anyone the way I am to him. My body is drawn to his like a magnet.
He holds his big arm out for me. I take it as I’m hit with a waft of his aftershave. It immediately makes my nipples tighten.
His warm, whiskey-scented breath hits me as he leans over and whispers, “You’re beautiful.”
I smile as I look up into his eyes, which are burning in a way I’m not sure I’ve ever seen. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
His eyes move up and down my body, even as we take our first steps down the aisle. “You’re coming home with me tonight so I can tear that dress off you.”
I thought he had Harper tonight. Fallon is out of town. I’m pretty sure her plane will arrive very late tonight, not in time to see Harper. “What about—”
“She’s sleeping out.”
I take a deep breath. One last night with this man. One last night to enjoy the passion and pleasure we share together. I’ll be thirty next year. I can’t continue to spend my time on a man with who I have no future. But I’m giving myself tonight. The big goodbye. The grand finale.
We take our places next to Layton and Arizona, and the ceremony begins. They wrote their own vows. Layton talks about how he felt the first time he laid eyes on Arizona. I remember that night. She outwardly showed zero interest, though we all knew it wasn’t true. She was afraid.
Is that all this is? Am I afraid?