Page 91 of Burning Crowns
‘Goodnight, Wren.’
She waggled her fingers. ‘Sweet dreams, Captain Iversen.’
‘Of that I have no doubt.’ He disappeared into the dimness, the music of his laughter echoing after him. Wren wished she could catch the sound and bottle it, but for now, the memory of their kisses was enough to warm her as she peeled off her sopping nightgown and crawled into bed. She pulled the furs around her, smiling as she dropped into slumber.
By the time they reached Wishbone Bay, it was just after dawn. The sun peeked out over the horizon, turning the bay a glistening gold. The sea breeze was biting, but Rose welcomed it. She was exhausted from lack of sleep, and with everything that had happened over the last few days, she felt as if she had been awake for weeks. The cool morning air jolted her back to life, to purpose.
‘We will take my boat, of course,’ said Anika, striding towards the imposing Gevran war ship festooned with blue and silver flags. ‘We Gevrans know the Sunless Sea better than any other.’
‘Wait.’ Celeste pulled her to a stop. ‘We should take my brother’s ship. I’ve never known a more skilful captain.’
Celeste and Anika stared at each other for a long moment. Celeste set her jaw, and Rose knew no matter how fond she was of Anika, she would never allow anyone to say there was a captain better than her brother.
‘Their first lovers’ spat,’ Shen whispered to Rose.
‘Who do you think is going to win?’ said Kai. ‘My money’s on the redhead.’
‘I will decide,’ said Rose, stepping in between them. ‘We will sail on theSiren’s Secret. Marino Pegasi is a fine captain but more importantly,he is a witch. The swifter we sail, the better for all. We will need every gust we can gather.’
A short while later, all five of them clambered on to theSiren’s Secret. There were a handful of shipmates milling about on deck, preparing to sail.
‘It’s not natural to be floating on water like this,’ said Kai, glancing uneasily over the edge. ‘I don’t like it.’
Shen elbowed him in the side. ‘Just wait until we’re out on the open sea, cousin. Then you’ll really hate it.’
Celeste tapped the first mate on the shoulder. ‘Dooley! Where is the captain?’
‘He’s in his quarters, Lady Celeste. Still sleeping, I imagine.’ He chuckled awkwardly. ‘We had a late night, but we’ll soon be heading to the southern continent.’
‘We’ll see about that,’ Celeste muttered under her breath. ‘Thank you, Dooley.’ She looked to the others. ‘This way to the captain’s quarters.’
‘We’ll stay up here,’ said Shen. ‘Introduce ourselves to the crew.’
‘As long as Kai doesn’t start any fights,’ warned Rose.
As she followed Celeste below deck, trailing her hand along the finely wrought balustrade, she smiled. She knew Marino’s ship well, recalling with fondness the day he had first acquired it some years ago, how he had insisted on taking Celeste and Rose on theSiren’s Secret’s maiden voyage. They had only sailed to the edge of the bay and back, but at the time, it had been the furthest Rose had ever been from Anadawn. She had stood at the prow with the wind in her hair and the salt spray from the sea kissing her cheeks, marvelling at how big the world truly was. Thinking how desperately she wished to explore it.
When she returned, Willem Rathborne had flown into a rage,furious that she’d dared set foot on a ship without his permission. She’d been locked in her tower for a week after that, only seeing her loyal maidservant Agnes when she came to bring up Rose’s food. But even that didn’t tarnish the memory of Rose’s first time on a proper ship, feasting her eyes on the wide open sea and seeing within it a world of glittering possibilities.
In the captain’s quarters, Marino Pegasi was fast asleep. Even with his mouth open and snoring raucously, he was handsome as ever.
Anika let out a delighted squeal. ‘Oh! He looks just like you!’
Celeste groaned. ‘That’s what everyone says.’ She thumped her brother on the arm. ‘Wake up, dunderhead!’
Marino muttered something unintelligible and rolled over, burying his face in his pillow.
Celeste thumped him again. ‘I said wake up!’
Marino opened one eye, like a cat, and took in the scene before him. He looked at Anika and then Rose, his smile slow and lazy. ‘Waking up to two beautiful women in my cabin is unexpected but not unwelcome.’ He cleared his throat as he sat up, and Rose saw he was still in his nightshirt. ‘To what do I owe this pleasure?’ He flicked his gaze to his sister. ‘And good morning to you as well, Lessie.’
‘Oh, he’s a charmer!’ purred Anika. ‘I should have known!’
Marino’s brow furrowed. ‘Wait. Aren’t you Gevran?’