Page 92 of Burning Crowns
‘Which brings us to the matter in hand,’ said Celeste, deftly. ‘We need you to take us to Gevra. Immediately.’
Marino laughed. ‘Lessie, I’m headed to Caro today. I can’t simply take you to Gevra on a whim.’
‘I told you we should take my boat,’ said Anika, smugly. ‘Nobody on my boat says no to me.’
‘Marino, you’re taking us to Gevra,’ said Celeste, scowling at her brother. ‘I’m afraid it’s non-negotiable.’
‘I have spices to sell, Lessie. Cloth to trade.’ Marino threw off the covers and got out of bed, searching for his boots. ‘Eanan goods have become so popular in Caro that I’m finding myself in great demand. Apparently, they think our very fabric is infused with magic!’ He barked a laugh. ‘Business has been booming ever since Rose and Wren came into power.’
‘Well, you know what won’t help business?’ said Celeste, snatching up his boot before he could shrug it on. She waved it in his face. ‘When all of Eana is ravaged by a power-hungry undead witch!’
Marino frowned. ‘Wait. What?’ He looked to Rose, his brows furrowing at the grim look on her face.
Rose sighed. ‘Marino, I’m sorry to do this, but as queen of Eana, I order you to take us to the isle of Carrig at once. I’m afraid it is a matter of life and death.’
Marino scrubbed a hand across his jaw. ‘Well, when you put it like that, how could I resist?’ He forced a chuckle, striving to lighten the mood. ‘At this rate, I’m practically already running a ferry service from here to Gevra. I should really start charging.’
‘You will be well compensated,’ said Rose.
His face brightened. ‘I like the sound of that.’
Celeste snorted. ‘Here’s something you should know about my brother, Anika. His two favourite things are money and mermaids.’
‘And great feats of bravery.’ Marino snatched his boot from his sister and pulled it on. ‘I love nothing more than the chance to be a hero.Just as long as I don’t have to get off my boat. Now,’ he said, looking up from his laces. ‘Tell me about this undead witch.’
Within the hour, they were sailing.
Marino, dressed in his full captain regalia, with his plum frockcoat billowing behind him in the wind and his tricorn hat set on his head at a jaunty angle, stood at the helm, guiding the ship. Rose and the others gathered nearby, holding on to the railings as they looked to the horizon.
‘Next stop – Carrig!’ cried Marino, raising his hands and calling down a whip of wind that sent Rose’s hair skyward. Celeste and Rose followed his lead, summoning their own strands of wind. They combined in a mighty roar, punching the sails taut. The ship lurched, skipping like a stone across the water.
‘Easy there!’ yelled Kai, bending to vomit over the side of the ship. ‘Some of us are still waiting to get our sea legs!’
Shen nudged Rose. ‘Isn’t Marino the man you once called the most handsome in all of Eana?’
Marino beamed over his shoulder. ‘Did you really say that?’
Rose’s cheeks flamed. ‘Isaidthat I had seen a lot of women mooning over you.’
Kai looked up mid-vomit to assess Marino. ‘Surely I’m more handsome,’ he slurred. ‘He’s just fancy. Put me in a ruffled shirt and I’ll look just as good, if not better.’
‘It takes years of practice to become this dashing,’ said Marino, tipping his tricorn. ‘Now then, let me focus on getting us to Gevra as quickly as possible. It sounds as if it’s rather urgent.’ He cast another gust and the ship quickened again.
Kai swayed on his feet, his face taking on a greenish hue. ‘Please stop,’ he moaned, before rushing for the railings.
‘Here,’ said Rose, stepping away from Shen and reaching for Kai’s hand. ‘Let me help settle your stomach.’
Kai couldn’t lift his head but managed to speak. ‘Aw, Queenie. I didn’t know you cared.’
‘Don’t be so flattered,’ said Rose, releasing a pulse of healing magic. ‘If you’re going to help us kill Oonagh, I need you at your best.’
Once they were out on the open sea and had enjoyed a simple breakfast of griddle cakes with jam, Rose found she could barely keep her eyes open. Marino dutifully offered up his own quarters to her, and Celeste quickly decided she and Anika would share the other private cabin on board, which belonged to the first mate.
‘What about us?’ said Kai, gesturing between himself and Shen. ‘Are we supposed to sleep in that tiny crow’s nest?’ He flexed, unnecessarily. ‘Look at me. I’m far too large.’
‘You two are more than welcome to avail of the bunk beds below deck,’ said Marino, good-naturedly. ‘I apologize in advance for the smell.’
Shen walked Rose to the captain’s cabin then paused at the door. ‘You know, we aren’t in Eana any more …’