Page 37 of Tyr
“Brothers of Metal.”
She nodded. “A fitting name. Too bad you don’t have another ticket. I would have loved to see them.”
“You would?” He couldn’t keep the incredulity out of his tone.
She chuckled. “They sound awesome.”
“They wrote a song about me,” Tyr blurted. Why had he said that? He sounded like an arrogant prick.
Her eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”
“Well, they wrote an entire album called Prophecy of Ragnarök. There’s a song about Loki and one about Freya, too. Loki’s kids got an entirely different album, so I’m not special. Even so, I’m partial to the one they wrote about me.”
“Have you met them before?”
He nodded. “Many times.”
“Do they know your true identity?”
“I don’t think they believed me when I told them.”
“Did you, like… show them?”
“Show them what?”
“Your powers or something. Your pocketknife sword thing.”
Tyr chuckled. “We weren’t in a place for me to show them super strength, super speed, or battle rage.”
She nodded. “You could have shown them your hand.”
Tyr put his glove back on. “If some guy showed up at your concert, told you he loved your song about the war god Tyr, told you his name was Tyr, and flashed you his missing hand, would you believe him or call the cops?”
“Fair point.” She picked at the grass again. “I would love to hear them sometime.”
“I wish I could take you, but… it’s on Midgard. And your father wanted you to stay down here for your own safety.”
She slipped her flats back on. “I’ve never been to a concert before.”
“Dad was always gone, and Mother hates music for some reason. Not that she would have ever let me out of the house.”
Tyr’s gut clenched. Damn, if her disappointment wasn’t as beautiful as her happiness. The only difference was this time, he wanted to do whatever it took to make her smile again.
“Do you want to go?” The words tumbled from his mouth before he could stop them.
Her entire face lit up. “Yes.”
Idiot.Why had he asked that? First, he told her about his Disney movie fetish, and now he was asking her to a concert for his favorite band. Next, he’d be taking her to a family meal and introducing her to everyone.
“Do you have another ticket?”
Well, he couldn’t back out now. “I’ll call the band and tell them I have a guest coming.”
“Just call the band.” She laughed and then stopped. “Oh my gosh, you are serious!”
“Any band would be cool with getting a new fan. But honestly, these guys are super chill and super cool. It won’t be a problem.”