Page 38 of Tyr
She looked down. “Should I change into something else?”
He took in her tight t-shirt, jeans, and arm sling. “Nope, you’re perfect the way you are.”
She jumped to her feet. "Let’s get moving.” She tapped him on the head and ran for the exit. “Goose!” she yelled over her shoulder.
Goose?What in the world did that mean?
Tyr shook his head and made a mental note to find out what exactly Vali had put into the pink tea.
Tyr kepthis hand on Celeste’s back and shielded her still-healing arm from the crowd as they moved toward their section of the arena. She shook her head and, a moment later, stumbled and grabbed her head with her free hand.
Tyr picked her up and whisked her to the side wall, out of the way of the throng. He caged her against the cement with his body, trying to block out everyone else from view.
“Breathe,” Tyr said. “Focus on me and breathe.”
Her wide gaze connected with his like a terrified doe. Tyr slowed his breathing and took her hand in his. She focused on him, her eyes round and fearful. She blinked back tears as he breathed in and out slowly. He placed her palm on his chest, and eventually, she matched his tempo. He rubbed a tender circle into the palm of her hand with his thumb, and after several minutes, she gave a small smile.
“I’m sorry. I was so excited to come I didn’t prepare myself for all the people. Usually, I’m able to block them out, but in the week I’ve been with you, I guess I’ve kind of gotten used to the quiet of the estate, so I’ve let my shield slip more and more.”
Tyr shook his head. “If peace and quiet is what you need, this is not the place. We should go.” He pressed her against him and scanned for the nearest exit.
She squeezed his hand. “No. I want to stay. I’m all right now. I have my barriers in place.”
He looked at her, unsure. Part of him wanted her to stay and experience the show, while the other wanted to get her right back where she belonged—in his room.
She pulled on him. “Please, Tyr. I want to stay.”
When she looked at him with those beautiful eyes, he’d give her whatever she wanted.
He leaned in and kissed the top of her head without thinking. “All right,Fylgja.You win.” He stopped breathing.Fylgja?Had he called herFylgja?
He was in trouble. So. Much. Trouble.
Celeste heldhis hand the entire way to their section. When they reached their row, an immense man with a scruffy beard and heavy leather jacket sat waiting, almost taking up two whole seats with his mountainous frame.
Tyr gave a small wave, and the man stood, throwing Tyr a lopsided grin due to the long, deep scar which ran down the left side of his face from when his mother had thrown him as a baby.
“Who is this?”
Tyr shook Hephaestus’ hand. “This is a… uh…friend. Her name is Celeste. She wanted to join us. Celeste, this is Hephaestus.”
Recognition hit Celeste, and she smiled. “The Hephaestus who made your hand?”
Tyr nodded.
“Wow. I am so honored.” Celeste shook Hephaestus’ hand. “Your work is unbelievable.”
Tyr fought the urge to rip her hand out of his friend’s grip.
Hephaestus blushed and rubbed his neck. “Uh… thank you. That’s very kind.”
“No, seriously. I don’t know how you did it, but it’s unbelievable. The fact that he has feeling in it and that the sensations are so near to what actual nerves register is nothing short of magic.”
Hephaestus chuckled. “It would be better if the giant baby would come over and let me make a new one for him. I’ve made a lot of advances since that relic.”
Tyr punched Hephaestus in the shoulder.
Phes smirked. “Awwww. Don’t get all butt hurt. You know I love you more than my asshole brother, Ares, any day. And that isn’t just because he stole the girl I married.”