Page 78 of Where We Met
Shannon almost drops the tray of cookies on the way to the oven. "You had sex before you ever put your mouth on a guy's dick?"
Aubrey looks around at us. "Of course! That's so gross. I never wanted to."
"So, what did you think about it?" Aubrey asks.
"It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be," she admits. "I wasn't a huge fan of all the cum in my mouth."
The three of us start laughing hysterically at Tricia's admission.
"Ok, fine! My turn!" she shouts. "Shannon. Truth or dare."
Shannon leans against the island with a smile. "Truth. I don't want you pulling me away from these cookies. They're almost done."
"What's the kinkiest thingyou'vedone," Tricia asks.
"Oh, gosh," Aubrey says. "I don't think I wanna know the answer to this."
Shannon gives her an evil eye. "I'm not that crazy. I don't know. Off the top of my head, I'd say…I let Austin lick my asshole."
"Ewww!" Tricia screams. "That's so gross!"
Shannon winks at her. "Don't knock it 'til you try it."
"So, you liked it?" Aubrey asks curiously.
"Yeah. It felt really good." Shannon looks over at me with a gleam in her eyes. "Savannah. Truth or dare."
Oh, God. She's gonna ask me the same damn question. I think back to Italy and everything Luke and I did. It feels oddly personal and something I don't want to share with anybody right now, not when I may burst out in tears at the thought of never experiencing it again. I look down at the remaining contents of wine in my glass and take the last gulp.
"Oooooh," the girls say together.
"I can't believe you chose dare," Aubrey says to me. "You do know that's Shannon, right?"
Shannon is looking at me with dazzling determination. Crap! Why did I choose dare with Shannon?
"I dare you," she starts "to video call Professor Hottie right now."
Another set of oooh's fall from the girls' lips.
"What? I can't. You know he said we should keep our distance until school is over."
"Yeah, but you also slept with the guy and are in love with him. It's not like you're showing up on his doorstep. Plus, you've been miserable with no contact."
I wish she wasn't so perceptive. She knows the distance has been killing me. But I can't call him, it seems so desperate. I don't want him to get mad at me.
"What happens if she won't do it?" Tricia asks. "I don't think any of us have ever backed down from a dare before."
Those words alone make me pick up the phone. I'm sure as hell not gonna make history as the first person to back down from a dare on our last night playing this game together. I scroll through my phone until I find his name and click on the video icon.
My heart is beating erratically as my uneasiness grows by the second. Before I can end the call and hide away in my room, his face appears on the screen.
His hair is all messed up like he's been pulling at it, and he appears to not have a shirt on, but his smile is bright.
"Hi," I say gently.
"Hi, Princess," his raspy voice responds.