Page 79 of Where We Met
The girls are making lovesick faces at his nickname for me. Aubrey's hand is over her heart like she can't take it. I look up at them and try to convey a message of shut up, but I'm caught by Luke.
"What's going on? What's that look for?" he asks curiously.
"Hi, Professor Luke," Shannon screams.
My head falls in my hand with embarrassment. I can't believe I couldn't go more than two seconds without being caught. An unwelcome blush creeps up on my cheeks.
"Hi, ladies," he answers. "I'm guessing I'm talking to your possie right now?"
I nod my head still feeling the sting of humiliation.
"Sorry," I tell him. "I just…wanted to say hi."
He smiles at me. "Never apologize for calling me."
Swoon. Can he be any sweeter? Even when he has annoying college girls laughing in the background, he seems patient and easy-going.
"I'm gonna go in my room for a second. Hang on," I tell him. I look at the girls. "I'll be back."
"Hurry back," Shannon says. "Cookies are done!"
I walk quickly to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. Bailey follows me and we both get on the bed.
"You enjoying your night?" he asks with his arm now resting behind his head.
Shit, his biceps are bulging from that position. He is so damn sexy, it's not even fair.
"I am," I smile. "We were trying to do something commemorative of our time together. We started at a house party like the old days." My mouth cringes at the thought of it. "We didn't realize how young and immature we were back then. I think we lasted about fifteen minutes before we decided to come back to our apartment and drink wine."
"And bake cookies," he adds with a smile.
I laugh. "And bake cookies."
"It doesn't sound much more mature than the house party, I know."
He laughs. "You know my brother, Marcus. He's years out of college and still hasn't grown up. I think a night in baking and drinking wine sounds exactly like what Gabe's wife Alexis would be into."
How does he do it? He takes my insecurities and makes me feel better. No matter what, he never seems to judge me.
"I miss you," I whisper as I turn to my side.
He looks at me through the phone like he really sees me. "Me too, Princess."
"I know you said no more contact."
"It's not easy. I get it. I've wanted to pick up my phone every second of the day for the last couple weeks."
I sigh in relief. He has no idea how much I needed to hear those words.
"Woman! Cookies are ready, let's go. It's ladies' night," Shannon shouts through the door.
I roll my eyes. "Sorry. I should go. It's supposed to be a girls' thing tonight."
He smiles. "Go. Enjoy this time. It goes by too quickly."
"Bye, Luke."
I open the door and Shannon is standing there with the biggest smile on her face.