Page 12 of Damaged
A hand brushed the hair from his cheek and Wrath blinked his eyes open again.
Finding Rogue hovering over him was like winning the lottery.
“Hey,” he rasped, sounding like a frog.
“Hey back,” the assassin whispered.
“How long have I been out of it?” He glanced around the pristine white hospital room and then back to Rogue.
“Close to four days.”
“Shit. Does Justice know I’m here?” Wrath didn’t want his brother worrying about him.
“Does Savage?”
“No.” Rogue’s eyes glittered like storm clouds.
“Not a fan of Savage?” His lips twitched.
“I would never share your business.” Rogue practically growled the words, and Wrath caught the man’s hand before it could slip away.
Linking their fingers together, he stared into Rogue’s eyes.
“Thank you.”
“I should beat your ass.”
Okay…those words were certainly a surprise and not like Rogue at all.
“You can try, but I guarantee yours will be handed back to you,” he hissed right back and Rogue smirked.
“You think?”
“I know.” Wrath made sure he glared.
“You’re as weak as a kitten,” the man’s low voice rumbled.
“I don’t need to be strong to knock you on your ass.”
Rogue huffed and humor gleamed in the man’s eyes. Laughter was something Wrath rarely ever saw in Rogue’s eyes or on his face and it took his breath away.
Damn, he was a sap for this man.
“You stayed,” he reminded Rogue.
“Now you’re mine.”
A muscle ticked in the man’s jaw and those sexy eyes narrowed. Dark hair fell over the man’s forehead and Wrath squeezed their linked fingers.
When Rogue opened his mouth to take a breath and probably spew that he wasn’t any good for him, Wrath cut the man off with a wave of his hand.
The next moment, the nurse and doctor entered the room.
“When can I be discharged?” Wrath asked, tightening his grip on Rogue’s fingers when the man tried to tug them away.