Page 13 of Damaged
After checking his vitals, the doctor glanced over a clipboard and then at him.
“Let’s see if we can get you out of here this afternoon. And take it easy with the wakeboarding.”
Wrath squinted, but the doctor and nurse were already leaving the room. He turned to Rogue, who was looking a bit sheepish.
“Wakeboarding?” Wrath said with a huff of laughter and Rogue shrugged. “You did good.”
Rogue looked away, but Wrath caught the slight flush on his cheeks. He smoothed his thumb over the top of Rogue’s where their hands were still linked together.
“I’m sure that Savage reached out to you.”
“He did.”
“What did you tell him?”
“That you were on a job, and I’d have you contact him.”
“What job would I be on that Savage wouldn’t know about?”
“A personal one.”
Wrath chuckled, he was sure to catch flak from Savage when he returned, but right then, he didn’t give a shit.
The only thing that mattered was that Rogue hadn’t left his side.
That was saying something.
That was huge in his book.
And he was going to take advantage of it for as long as he could.
Forever if possible.
For the rest of the day, Rogue wandered in and out of his hospital room.
The doctor returned and suggested he stay another night and Wrath didn’t argue. One reason was because he wanted to spend more time with Rogue and the other was that he felt weak. Not weak like a kitten or anything like Rogue had teased him, but he knew full well he wasn’t up to his former strength.
He might as well bite the bullet and call Savage.
Rogue had gone to the cafeteria a few moments ago and Wrath lifted his phone to make the call.
“Private business?” Savage growled into the phone.
Wrath smirked, then sighed and admitted the truth. “I got injured on a job.”
A hush settled over the phone and then Savage’s voice grew gentle. “I won’t ask what happened, because I know that was a fluke.”
His boss’ confidence in him brought a smile to his lips. “It was a mishap that will not happen again.”
“I expect it won’t. So, I’ll take you off the roster until you tell me otherwise. Just be sure you handle the other thing I need.”
“No doctor’s note?” Wrath teased.
“Don’t tempt me,” Savage warred right back, but Wrath heard the humor lacing the man’s deep tone.
Normally, Savage was…well, savage. He didn’t banter or tease and when they ended the call, Wrath was left wondering about the slight change.